Safety at Sports and Recreational Events Act, 2010
R 385
Merchant Shipping Act, 1951 (Act No. 57 of 1951)RegulationsExamination and Licensing of Compass Adjusters Regulations, 1991Chapter III : Conduct of Examinations17. Use of Instruments |
(1) | All instruments necessary for use in the examination shall be supplied by the examiner, but a candidate may use his own drawing instruments, slide-rule and calculating instrument, provided that the examiner's approval is obtained before the examination begins. If a slide-rule or calculating instrument is used, a note to this effect shall be entered on the candidate's answer sheet. |
(2) | A candidate who uses a slide-rule or a calculating instrument for his calculations shall show in ink on the answer sheet the lull working statement necessary for arriving at the results. If such statement is not so shown, no marks shall be given in respect of the results concerned. |