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Merchant Shipping Act, 1951 (Act No. 57 of 1951)RegulationsMerchant Shipping (Training and Certification) Regulations, 1999Part 4 : Training institutions and training programmes67. Accreditation of training institutions |
(1) | The Authority may, on application by a training institution, accredit the institution— |
(a) | to conduct the courses specified in the instrument of accreditation; |
(b) | to act as an approved examination centre for examination of the subjects so specified; and |
(c) | to issue certificates to candidates who successfully complete the courses so specified. |
(2) | An application contemplated in subregulation (1) shall be made in writing and shall be accompanied by the following particulars: |
(a) | Name and physical address of the training institution; |
(b) | description of each course, and of its content, referenced in the Code, together with lecturers' study plans; |
(c) | name of each course lecturer with a brief description of his or her qualifications and experience; |
(d) | name of each course examiner with a brief description of his or her qualifications and experience; |
(e) | examination and assessment procedure in respect of each course; |
(f) | training and assessment facilities in respect of each course; |
(g) | details of any quality assurance system applicable to the training activities of the institution; and |
(h) | specimens of all certificates to be issued in respect of each course; |
(3) | For the purposes of accreditation, a training institution shall, on receipt of reasonable notice, make available— |
(a) | for inspection by an examiner, classrooms, simulators, simulator approvals, libraries, laboratories, workshops, lecturers' study programmes, test scripts, past examination papers and scripts; and |
(b) | for interview by an examiner, heads of departments, lecturers, internal examiners, and students. |
(4) | Every accredited institution shall— |
(a) | make available annually to the Authority the course commencement and completion dates, and the examination dates; and |
(b) | inform the Authority, without delay, of any change in the person of any lecturer or examiner, or of any change in a lecturer's study plan. |
(5) | Every accredited institution that is accredited to conduct examinations or assessments on behalf of the Authority shall— |
(a) | make available, in reasonable time, examination question papers and memoranda for moderation by an examiner; |
(b) | make available, without delay, examination scripts for moderation by an examiner; |
(c) | upon receipt of at least two working days' notice, make available to an examiner, a candidate's course examination scripts and results, records of progress, completed projects, and reports by his or her tutors; and |
(d) | for audit purposes, keep the documents referred to in paragraphs (a) to (c) for a period of at least five years. |
(6) | An examiner may visit an accredited institution at any reasonable time for the purpose of auditing the conduct of any accredited activity. |
(7) | The Authority may vary or revoke accreditation granted under subregulation (1) if— |
(a) | the institution concerned fails to comply with these regulations or any of the conditions of accreditation; or |
(b) | the Authority otherwise has reasonable grounds to vary or revoke such accreditation. |
(8) | Where the Authority intends to vary or revoke accreditation under subregulation (7), it shall inform the institution concerned accordingly, giving it at least 30 days to correct any deficiencies or to furnish reasons why accreditation should not be varied or revoked. |
(9) | A list of all accreditations in force under subregulation (1), including the particulars thereof, shall be published in a marine notice. |