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Merchant Shipping Act, 1951 (Act No. 57 of 1951)


Merchant Shipping (Safe Manning, Training and Certification) Regulations, 2013

Part 3 : Certification Requirements

Division 5 : Rating Certificates and Certificates of Proficiency

62. Ordinary seafarer engine


(1) For the purpose of this regulation; a provisional certificate is valid for a period of six months from the date of issue and shall be exchanged for a certificate of proficiency as ordinary seafarer engine issued by the Authority within the period of validity.


(2) For the certificate of proficiency as ordinary seafarer engine, a candidate shall:


ALTERNATIVE A: Candidates making entry without accelerated training


(1) be at least 16 years of age;
(2) have at least six months' service in the engine department on trading ships of 750 kW or more;

[Regulation 62(2) of Alternative A substituted by regulation 34(a) of Notice No. R. 544, GG 38912, dated 25 June 2015]

(3) have completed, during the required sea service, onboard training that is documented in an approved training record book and meet the standards of competence specified in the Code; and
(4) hold the provisional certificate of proficiency as ordinary seafarer engine issued by the chief engineer officer of the ship on which the onboard training was completed.



ALTERNATIVE B: Candidates making entry with accelerated training


(1) be at least 16 years of age;
(2) have completed at least two months' service in the engine department on trading ships of 750kW or more as part of an approved accelerated training programme documented in an approved training record book and meet the standards of competence specified in the Code; and

[Regulation 62(2) of Alternative B substituted by regulation 34(b) of Notice No. R. 544, GG 38912, dated 25 June 2015]

(3) hold the provisional certificate of proficiency as ordinary seafarer engine issued by the chief engineer officer of the ship on which the onboard training was completed.



ALTERNATIVE C: Candidates  holding a certificate of proficiency as Marine Motorman Grade 2


(1) be at least 16 years of age; and
(2) have completed at least one month's service in the engine department on trading ships of 750 kW or more as part of an approved accelerated training programme documented in an approved training record book and meet the standards of competence specified in the Code.

[Regulation 62, Alternative C, inserted by regulation 34(c) of Notice No. R. 544, GG 38912, dated 25 June 2015]