R 385
Regulations |
Distressed Seamen's Regulations, 1961 : Notice No. R. 895 of 1961
Courts of Survey Regulations, 1961 : Notice No. R. 1065 of 1961
Courts of Marine Enquiry Regulations, 1961 : Notice No. R. 1067 of 1961
Examination and Licensing of Compass Adjusters Regulations, 1991 : Notice No. R. 127 of 1991
Ship's Medicines and Medical Appliances Regulations, 1991 : Notice No. R. 91 of 1991
Maritime Occupational Safety Regulations, 1994 : Notice No. R. 1904 of 1994
Merchant Shipping (Dangerous Goods) Regulations, 1997 : Notice No. R. 574 of 1997
Merchant Shipping (Mandatory Ships' Routeing) Regulations, 1998 : Notice No. R. 131 of 1998
Merchant Shipping (IGC Code) Regulations, 1998 : Notice No. R. 132 of 1998
Merchant Shipping (Marine Pollution (IBC Code) Regulations, 1998 : Notice No. R. 133 of 1998
Merchant Shipping (Seafarer Compensation) Regulations, 1998 : Notice No. R. 1654 of 1998
[Repealed] Merchant Shipping (Training and Certification) Regulations, 1999 : Notice No. R. 1547 of 1999
Merchant Shipping (Seamen's Documents) Regulations, 2000 : Notice No. R. 432 of 2000
Merchant Shipping (EPIRB Registration) Regulations, 2002 : R. 505 of 2002
Merchant Shipping (Radio Installations) Regulations, 2002 : Notice No. R. 506 of 2002
Merchant Shipping (Licensing of Vessels) Regulations, 2002 : Notice No. R. 112 of 2003
Merchant Shipping (INF Code) Regulations, 2003 : Notice No. R. 719 of 2003
Merchant Shipping (Safety Management) Regulations, 2003 : Notice No. R. 720 of 2003
Merchant Shipping (Maritime Security) Regulations, 2004 : Notice No. R. 142 of 2004
Merchant Shipping (Carriage of Cargoes) Regulations, 2004 : Notice No. R. 859 of 2004
Merchant Shipping (Navigation Bridge Visibility) Regulations, 2004 : Notice No. R. 1199 of 2004
Merchant Shipping (Continuous Synopsis Record) Regulations, 2004 : Notice No. R. 1290 of 2004
Merchant Shipping (Automatic Identification System) Regulations, 2004 : Notice No. R. 1291 of 2004
Merchant Shipping (Ship Identification Number) Regulations, 2004 : Notice No. R. 1292 of 2004
Merchant Shipping (Collision and Distress Signals) Regulations, 2005 : Notice No. R. 566 of 2005
Merchant Shipping (National Small Vessel Safety) Regulations, 2007 : Notice No. R. 705 of 2007
Merchant Shipping (Seafarer Recruitment and Placement) Regulations, 2017 : Notice No. R. 986 of 2017