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Military Ombud Act, 2012 (Act No. 4 of 2012)NoticesRemuneration and other Terms and Conditions of Service for the Military Ombud and the Deputy Military Ombud of South AfricaMilitary OmbudTransport and Allowances in respect of Transport, Travelling and Subsistence10. to 13. Transport Official Duties |
10. | The cost containment measures related to travel and subsistence prescribed by National Treasury must be taken into account at all times. |
11. | The Military Ombud must at all times have his/her vehicle (or a substitute) available for official journeys. In cases where the Military Ombud had to use his or her own private vehicle for official purposes, kilometers may be claimed using the tariffs provided by the Department of Transport. |
12. | The Minister of Defence and Military Veterans may allocate a state-owned motor vehicle to the Military Ombud for official use. The motor vehicle remains government property. The Minister of Defence and Military Veterans in consultation with the Department of Transport will determine the class of the vehicle. The state vehicle will be managed according to the Transport Policy provided by the Department of Transport. Family members of the Military Ombud may travel with him/her in the official vehicle. |
13. | The Military Ombud may make use of incidental or rented vehicles when on official duty away from his or her headquarters. The cost of that use will be borne by the Office of the Military Ombud. |