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Military Ombud Act, 2012 (Act No. 4 of 2012)NoticesRemuneration and Other Terms and Conditions of Service for the Staff of the Military OmbudPart 7 : Employer Processes |
57. | Employment: Issues referred to below only have a financial implication where so indicated and are as follows: |
(a) | Advertisement of Vacant Posts: All vacancies are advertised within the Office and if no suitable candidate is identified it will be advertised on the Military Ombud website with an advertisement in the newspapers to direct interested applicants there. |
(b) | Recruitment and Selection: Recruitment is done on an open competition basis where all qualifying applicants apply after which the shortlisted candidates are invited to a selection board. |
(c) | Induction Program: All newly appointed employees will undergo an induction program to familiarise themselves with their new working environment and orientate themselves with the business processes. |
(d) | Resettlement: When an employee is appointed at the Office and as a result needs to relocate, the Office will assist the employee by paying an amount equal to one (1) months gross salary (for those on cost to employer packages the pensionable part) as compensation for expenses such as but not limited to, car licencing, school clothes, bond registration, curtains, etc. |
(e) | Employment Equity: The Office complies with the Employment Equity Act, 1998 (Act No 55 of 1998) in applying national demographic representivity figures when appointing new employees. |
(f) | Job Evaluation: All posts on the current establishment table of the Office have been evaluated. When structural changes are required in future new or upgraded/down graded posts will be re-evaluated to determine the functional level for compensation. |
(g) | Performance Management and Development System (PMDS): A PMDS for the Office is applicable to the management of the performance of all employees and will also be used to evaluate employees during their probation period. |
(h) | Dress Code: All employees must comply with the dress code policy of the Office that ensures employees' are professionally attired during working hours. |
(i) | Smoking Policy: All employees must comply with the smoking policy of the Office that declares it a smoke free environment. Designated smoking areas have been identified therein. |
(j) | Grievance Procedure: All employees must comply with the grievance procedure for the Office that is aligned with the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997 (Act No 75 of 1997) and Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No 66 of 1995). |
(k) | Disciplinary Procedure: The Office will have a Disciplinary Procedure that is aligned with the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997 (Act No 75 of 1997) and Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No 66 of 1995). |
58. | Employment Development Programs: Employee Development Programs will be instituted to ensure that growing of own timber is well controlled at the Office during the following: |
(a) | Mentoring and Coaching - Support will be afforded to employees for personal development from the date of employment at the Office to ensure the efficient and effective functioning in their respective work environments. This will especially be utilised during succession planning to ensure the transition period for handing and taking over is maximised to the fullest. |
(b) | Studies at State Expense - Although every effort is made to employ people who already have a qualification, support will be afforded to employees who want to improve their qualifications in areas relevant to the workings of the Office and the immediate working environment of the employee. All such study support will require the signing of a contract to ensure a return on investment for the Office. |
(c) | Skills Development Courses - Employees will be afforded the opportunity to attend skills development courses in relevant areas of their working environment. Even though a certificate or diploma will not necessarily be obtained, the employee should submit a comprehensive report on the course curriculum. Attendance thereof will be in line with the leave policy and within policy prescripts. |
(d) | Cost of Attendance of Classes - The Office may within policy pay for cost of attendance of classes by an employee during his/her period of study where such classes are compulsory and are part of the course to prepare a student towards an examination or practical phase of a subject. The employee will however as far as possible be required to study at a Gauteng based tertiary institution, unless the particular course is not offered at a tertiary institution within Gauteng. These payments and attendance will be according to the Travel Allowance Policy as well as the Leave Policy. |
59. | Employee Assistance Programmes: An Employee Wellness Program will be implemented to assist employees during employment at the Office (and will be regulated by policy) that cover the following: |
(a) | Counsellors who can assist but no financial assistance will be given in this regard. |
(b) | Substance abuse - When an employee after being employed for a number of years with a good service record falls into a habit of substance abuse, such employee will be afforded the opportunity to seek help to recover with in the prescripts of the Leave Policy. No financial assistance will be afforded although assistance towards acquiring the services of possible institutions that run rehabilitation programmes for substance abuse may be afforded. |
(c) | Social Problems - Should an employee experience social problems either at home or at work, such employee will be assisted with first line counselling to determine further action to be taken. Managers will be trained in first line counselling in order to prepare them to identify issues that may require referrals and the appropriate way of handling such cases. No financial assistance will be afforded to seek outside counselling. |
(d) | Stress Counselling - Assistance will be afforded to employees who experience stress in their lives by guiding the employee to a credible counsellor. The Office will however not be liable for any financial payments towards these sessions. |
(e) | Referrals - The Office will assist with guiding the employee to credible service providers to the matter at hand. There will however be no financial liability for the Office for any of these referrals as it is a personal matter of the employee. |