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Military Pensions Act, 1976 (Act No. 84 of 1976)6. Application for pension or gratuity |
(1) | Any person who claims a pension or gratuity shall apply for it to the Director-General on such form as may be determined by the Director-General and shall furnish such details, documents and information as may be prescribed or as the Director-General may require in support of the application. |
(2) | If the Director-General is satisfied that there are good reasons therefor, he may allow any person to make an application in terms of subsection (1) on behalf of the person who claims a pension or gratuity. |
(3) | After considering the application and all the details, documents, and information which he may have obtained in relation to the application, the Director-General shall determine the amount of any pension or gratuity to which the applicant may be entitled. |
[Section 6 substituted by section 18 of Act No. 96 of 1983 (Notice No. 1523, GG 8809, dated 13 July 1983)]