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Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act No. 29 of 1996)NoticesGuideline for the Compilation of a Mandatory Code of Practice for the Prevention, Mitigation and Management of COVID-19 outbreakPart A: The Guideline4. Definitions and acronyms |
4.1 | "CIOM" |
means Chief Inspector of Mines.
4.2 | "Confirmed case" |
means a person who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 by means of a laboratory diagnostic method approved by the DOH.
4.3 | "COP" |
means Code of Practice in terms of section 9 of the MHSA.
4.4 | "COVID-19" |
means Corona Virus Infection Disease 2019 caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).
4.5 | "Disinfect" |
means the process of cleaning using chemicals to destroy micro-organisms.
4.6 | "DMA" |
means Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act 57 of 2002).
4.7 | "DMRE" |
means the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy.
4.8 | "DOH" |
means the Department of Health.
4.9 | "EAP" |
means Employee Assistance Programme.
4.10 | "Employee" |
means any person who is employed or working at a mine (including the mine's contractors).
4.11 | "Exposure" |
means the state of having no protection from something harmful. For the purposes of this guideline exposure is in reference to SARS-CoV-2.
4.12 | "Health care worker" |
means all health care professionals primarily engaged to enhance health by providing preventative, curative, promotional or rehabilitative health care services.
4.13 | "Isolation" |
means separating a sick individual with a contagious disease from healthy individuals that are not infected with such disease in a manner that aims to prevent the spreading of infection or contamination.
4.14 | "MHSA" |
means Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act 29 of 1996) as amended.
4.15 | "MHSC" |
means the Mine Health and Safety Council, established in terms of section 41(1) of the MHSA.
4.16 | "NDOH" |
means National Department of Health.
4.17 | "NICD" |
means National Institute for Communicable Diseases.
4.18 | "OMP" |
means a medical practitioner who holds a qualification in occupational medicine or an equivalent qualification, recognised by the Health Professions Council of South Africa.
4.19 | "PPE" |
means personal protective equipment.
4.20 | "PUI" |
means person under investigation.
4.21 | "Quarantine" |
means the restriction of activities or separation of a person, who was or may potentially have been exposed to COVID-19, and who could potentially spread the disease to other non-exposed persons, to prevent the possible spread of infection or contamination to healthy individuals with the objective of monitoring their symptoms and ensuring the early detection of cases.
4.22 | "Reasonably practicable" |
means practicable having regard to:
(a) | The severity and scope of the hazard or risk concerned; |
(b) | The state of knowledge reasonably available concerning that hazard or risk, and of any means of removing or mitigating that hazard or risk; |
(c) | The availability and suitability of means to remove or mitigate that hazard or risk; and |
(d) | The costs and the benefits of removing or mitigating that hazard or risk. |
4.23 | "RTW" |
means return to work.
4.24 | "Self-isolation" |
means separating yourself from others to the greatest extent possible,when you are sick with signs of COVID-19 and you have been told by a health care provider to separate yourself from others.
4.25 | "Vulnerable employees" |
means employees with known or disclosed health issues or co-morbidities such as or with any condition which may place such employees at a higher risk of complications or death if they are infected with SARS-CoV-2; also employees above the age of 60 who are at a higher risk of complications or death if they are infected with SARS-CoV-2 (or as defined by the DMA regulations and the DOH guidance note).
4.26 | "WHO" |
means World Health Organization.