R 385
Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act No. 29 of 1996)NoticesGuidance Note for a Management and Control Programme for Tuberculosis in the South African Mining IndustryPart A : The Guideline5. The objectives of a Tuberculosis Control Programme at a mine |
The objectives of a TB control programme should be to:
5.1 | Obtain at least 90% treatment success rate for all TB cases. |
5.2 | Reduce defaulter rate to less than 5%. |
5.3 | Implement Directly-Observed Treatment, course (DOTS) for 100% of TB cases on intensive and continuation treatment phases. |
5.4 | Notify 100% of TB cases to the NDOH. |
5.5 | Report all TB cases to the DMR as per the Health Incident Report (HIR) and the AMR requirements. |
5.6 | Submit 100% of TB cases reportable under ODMWA and COIDA. |
5.7 | Screen all close contacts. |
5.8 | Achieve 100% investigation of all symptomatic TB contacts. |
5.9 | Conduct annual TB symptomatic screening of all employees. |
5.10 | Ensure continuity of care for patients on TB treatment. |
5.11 | Promote access to HIV and AIDS prevention, treatment care and support services for all employees with TB by ensuring the following: |
5.11.1 | Offer every TB patient with provider initiated HIV counselling and testing; |
5.11.2 | Put every TB and HIV co-infected patients on Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART); and |
5.11.3 | Screen all HIV positive patients for TB with increased frequency. |