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Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act No. 29 of 1996)SchedulesSchedule 7 : Constitution of Mining Qualifications Authority13. Appointment and Functions of Secretary |
(1) | The executive officer must appoint a secretary for— |
(a) | the Authority and every permanent and ad hoc committee; and |
(b) | any subcommittee if the establishing authority so requires. |
(2) | If a secretary is not appointed for a subcommittee, the members of that committee must keep a record of and report to the relevant establishing authority on their activities. |
(3) | A secretary must, with regard to the Authority or committee for which the secretary is appointed— |
(a) | prepare the agenda for every meeting; |
(b) | prepare the minutes of every meeting; |
(c) | record every resolution of such meeting and if so requested by a member, the views of that member; |
(d) | keep general records, records of members, minutes, documents and files of the Authority, or such committee; and |
(e) | serve every member with— |
(i) | a convening notice and the agenda of a meeting at least five clear days before the meeting or two clear days before an urgent meeting; |
(ii) | any reports or documentation to be considered at a meeting, a reasonable period before the meeting; and |
(iii) | the minutes of every meeting. |