R 385
Chapter 2 : Health and Safety at Mines |
2A. Chief Executive Officer charged with certain Functions
3. Employer must appoint manager
4. Employer may entrust functions to another person
5. Employer to maintain healthy and safe mine environment
6. Employer to ensure adequate supply of health and safety equipment
7. Employer to staff mine with due regard to health and safety
8. Employer must establish health and safety policy
10. Employer to provide health and safety training
11. Employer to assess and respond to risk
12. Employer to conduct occupational hygiene measurements
13. Employer to establish system of medical surveillance
15. Record of medical surveillance
19. Employees' right to information
20. Employee may dispute finding of unfitness to perform work
21. Manufacturer's and supplier's duty for health and safety
22. Employees' duties for health and safety
23. Employees' right to leave dangerous working place
24. Employees not to pay for safety measures