R 385
Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act No. 29 of 1996)NoticesGuideline for the Compilation of a Mandatory Code of Practice for the Management of Self-contained Self-rescuers in MinesPart A : The Guideline1. Foreword |
The guideline for the management of SCSRs has been developed to detail relevant requirements of applicable sections of the Chapter 16 Regulations of the MHSA relating to responses to emergencies in mines.
1.1. | The mining industry has seen the occurrence of low frequency, major impact, unwanted events resulting in numerous fatalities, injuries and considerable damage to the mine’s infrastructure. Gas explosions, the ignition of flammable dust clouds and underground fires are examples of events that result in emergencies where employees must evacuate a mine while being exposed to irrespirable atmospheres resulting from such events. |
1.2. | Entrenched in the intent of the MHSA, are efforts that should be directed primarily at avoiding the occurrence of such unwanted events through risk elimination and risk mitigation. Only when such measures do not yield acceptable residual risk levels, shall other methods be employed that will ensure that the safety of employees in the aftermath of such events is assured. |
1.3. | In the case where irrespirable atmospheres may occur, the use of SCSRs should be considered as a mitigating measure. Chapter 16.2 of the MHSA Regulations provides clear guidance as to which classes of mines or instances where the use of selfcontained self-rescuers is deemed mandatory. |