R 385
Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act No. 29 of 1996)NoticesGuideline for the Compilation of a Mandatory Code of Practice for the Prevention of Flammable Gas and Coal Dust Explosions in CollieriesPart A : The Guideline1. Foreword |
1.1. | 2018 version of this guideline |
1.1.1. | Following a request from MOHAC, a tri-partite working committee was convened in 2017 to review the guideline for the compilation of a mandatory COP for the prevention of flammable gas and coal dust explosions in collieries. The brief of this working committee was to review and validate the 2002 guideline and, where necessary, to propose amendments that would align the new guideline with intervening developments in the technical sphere of gas and coal dust ignition prevention. |
1.2. | 2002 version of this guideline |
1.2.1. | Throughout the history of coal mining, ignitions of flammable gas and coal dust have been major causes of death. Investigations following explosions have shaped the legislation for mines and have influenced the development of equipment and mining techniques. Despite improved standards of ventilation, technical developments and a greater awareness, ignitions are probably the most feared hazard underground. Most coal dust explosions are preceded by an ignition of flammable gas. |
1.2.2. | Due to the increased use of mechanical miners, which increases the risk of ignitions, the extent of the hazard has increased in recent years, since these machines open large areas of virgin ground in a short time period. |
1.2.3. | Following the Report of the Leon Commission of Inquiry into Safety and Health in the Mining Industry, MRAC appointed a task group to advise on measures to be taken to minimize the risk of flammable gas and coal dust ignition and/or explosions at collieries in South Africa. This guideline is a result of the work of that task group. |
1.2.4. | This guideline and the COP to which it refers, will deal with good ventilation practices and the prevention of ignitions and explosions of flammable gas as well as the inertisation of coal dust to prevent the ignition and/or propagation of coal dust explosions. This guideline is applicable to all coal mines. However, the measures to be taken for the prevention of coal dust explosions are only applicable to mines mining bituminous coal. |