R 385
Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act No. 29 of 1996)NoticesGuideline for the Compilation of a Mandatory Code of Practice for the Prevention of Flammable Gas and Coal Dust Explosions in CollieriesAnnexuresAnnexure 1 : Guidance Note for Lamproom Practice6. Allocation of Equipment in Compliance with SABS Specifications |
6.1. | Gas detection instrumentation |
6.1.1. | Flammable gas |
Every designated person who is required to conduct tests or monitor for flammable gas is to be allocated a personal flammable gas measuring instrument or a personal flammable gas warning device as the case may be.
6.1.2. | Carbon monoxide |
Every designated person who is required to monitor carbon monoxide is to be allocated a personal carbon monoxide warning device.
6.1.3. | Sensor for oxygen deficiency (please suggest a description for other gases). |
6.2. | Self-contained self-rescuers |
Every person who is required to be equipped with a self-contained self-rescuer under Regulation 16 of the MHSA Act No. 29 of 1996 shall be allocated such for their sole use.