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Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act No. 29 of 1996)Notices, Guidance Notes, Compilation GuidelinesGuidance Note for the Management of Latent Tuberculosis Infection in the South African Mining IndustryPart A: The Guidance Note5. Definitions and Acronyms |
5.1. | In this guideline for a COP or any amendment thereof, unless the context otherwise indicates, the acronyms are: |
5.1.1. | 3HP means three months of once-weekly INH plus Rifapentine. |
5.1.2. | 4R means four months of daily rifampicin. |
5.1.3. | Adherence means the extent to which the behaviour of a person corresponds with agreed recommendations from a healthcare worker for taking medication, following a diet and/or making lifestyle changes. |
5.1.4. | Clinician means a health professional, such as a doctor or nurse, who is directly involved in patient care. |
5.1.5. | DMRE means the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy. |
5.1.6. | DR-TB means drug-resistant TB. |
5.1.7. | GXP means GeneXpert. |
5.1.8. | HIV means Human Immunodeficiency Virus. |
5.1.9. | INH means isoniazid. |
5.1.10. | LTB means latent TB. |
5.1.11. | LTBI(s) means latent TB infection(s) which is a state of persistent immune response to stimulation by the Mycobacterium TB antigens without evidence of clinically manifested active TB. |
5.1.12. | Monitoring means the tracking of key elements of programme performance (inputs, activities and results) on a regular basis to provide continuous information on the progress towards achieving goals, and alert staff and managers to problems, providing an opportunity for these to be resolved early. |
5.1.13. | NDOH means the National Department of Health of South Africa. |
5.1.14. | Peri-mining communities means the people who live in the vicinity of mining operations and who have been, or could be directly affected by mining exploration, construction, operational or divestment activities. |
5.1.15. | PLHIV means people living with HIV. |
5.1.16. | PPD means purified protein derivative standard; TB skin test; TST; Mantoux TST. |
5.1.17. | PTB means pulmonary TB. |
5.1.18. | Significant TB exposure means a known exposure to a person with PTB who shared the same enclosed space for one or more nights, or for frequent or extended daytime periods during the three months before the index patient starting their TB treatment. |
5.1.19. | Silicosis means a lung fibrosis caused by the inhaling of silica-containing dust. |
5.1.20. | TB means tuberculosis. |
5.1.21. | TB contact means all people (family members, colleagues and other individuals, regardless of age and/or HIV-status) who have had a significant TB exposure. |
5.1.22. | TB disease means a disease caused by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacterium, either bacteriologically confirmed or clinically diagnosed. |
5.1.23. | TPT means TB preventive treatment. |
5.1.24. | TST(s) means tuberculin skin test(s). |
5.1.25. | WHO means the World Health Organization. |