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Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act No. 29 of 1996)


Guideline for the Compilation of a Mandatory Code of Practice for the Prevention, Mitigation and Management of COVID-19 outbreak

Part C: Format and Content of the Mandatory COP

8. Key elements to be addressed in the COP

8.2 Start-up procedures for mines


The employer must put a start-up procedure in place to address the following:


8.2.1. Prior to allowing any mine or shaft to commence with their production activities after a prolonged stoppage; a safe precautionary start-up procedure is developed (see annexure 4).


8.2.2. The start-up procedure must be aligned with the instruction that was issued by the CIOM - instruction referenced COVID-19 issued on 20 April 2020 (see annexure 5).


8.2.3. Routine cleaning or disinfection or industrially sanitising of surfaces that employees come into contact with such as the following areas (but not limited thereto), as determined by the mine's risk assessment: All transportation of employees provided by employer to the mine. Change Houses and its surrounding facilities. Lamp rooms. Waiting areas. Refuge Bays. Offices especially in open plan spaces. Healthcare facilities (fixed and mobile). Kitchen and dining areas, specifically eating utensils. Mine accommodation and designated dining areas thereto. Security access points and guard houses. Functional and physical assessment areas and heat tolerance screening centres.


8.2.4. Screening and testing procedures.


8.2.5. Withdrawal procedures, to be used by mines in the event of a localised COVID-19 outbreak.


8.2.6 Measures in place to collaborate with the DOH with the prevention and management of COVID-19 for migrant workers at ports of entry.