R 385
Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act No. 29 of 1996)RegulationsGuideline for a Mandatory Code of PracticeProvision of Personal Protective Equipment for Women in the South African Mining IndustryAnnexuresAnnexure 2: Common hazards at mines and possible PPE |
(This Annexure is intended for information purposes only)
Body part protection |
Common hazards in mines |
Type of PPE protection required |
Head protection |
Safety helmets Bump caps Hair nets |
Face and eye protection |
Safety spectacles Goggles Face shields Visors |
Hands/arm protection |
Gloves Gauntlets Mitts Wrist cuffs Armlets Barrier creams |
Body Protection (Torso) |
Conventional and disposable overalls Boiler suits Clothing for cold, heat and bad weather Clothing to protect against machinery High visibility jackets, vest Harnesses, life jackets
Foot and Leg protection |
Safety boots and shoes with protective toe caps, penetration-resistant mid-sole Gaiters Leggings, spats |
Hearing Protection |
Ear muffs Earplugs |
Respiratory Protection |
Disposable filtering face piece or respirator Half or full-face respirator Air-fed helmets Breathing apparatus |