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Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act No. 29 of 1996)RegulationsGuideline for a Mandatory Code of PracticeRight to Refuse Dangerous Work and Leave Dangerous Working PlacesPart A : The Guideline4. Definitions and acronyms |
In this guideline for a COP or any amendment thereof, unless the context otherwise indicates:
"COP" means Code of Practice
"DMR" means Department of Mineral Resources
"EMPLOYEE” means any person who is employed or working at a mine
"MHSA" means Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act No. 29 of 1996), as amended
"MHSC" means the Mine Health and Safety Council
"MRAC" means the Mining Regulation Advisory Committee
"OHS" means occupational health and safety
"RLDWP" means the right to leave a dangerous working place
"RRDW" means the right of refusal to do dangerous work
"Reasonable justification" means that the employee has some objective information that makes him or her believe there are unsafe conditions at the working place or the work to be done is unsafe to the extent that there is an imminent and serious danger to the health or safety of person at that working place. The employee does not have to be correct in his or her knowledge or belief, but such belief should be reasonable given the information of the employee. These principles apply to both the RRDW and RLDWP