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Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act No. 29 of 1996)
Notice No. 967 of 1996
Chapter 1 : Objects of Act
1. Objects of Act
Chapter 2 : Health and Safety at Mines
2. Employer to ensure safety
2A. Chief Executive Officer charged with certain Functions
3. Employer must appoint manager
4. Employer may entrust functions to another person
5. Employer to maintain healthy and safe mine environment
6. Employer to ensure adequate supply of health and safety equipment
7. Employer to staff mine with due regard to health and safety
8. Employer must establish health and safety policy
9. Codes of practice
10. Employer to provide health and safety training
11. Employer to assess and respond to risk
12. Employer to conduct occupational hygiene measurements
13. Employer to establish system of medical surveillance
14. Record of hazardous work
15. Record of medical surveillance
16. Annual medical reports
17. Exit certificates
18. Costs of examination
19. Employees' right to information
20. Employee may dispute finding of unfitness to perform work
21. Manufacturer's and supplier's duty for health and safety
22. Employees' duties for health and safety
23. Employees' right to leave dangerous working place
24. Employees not to pay for safety measures
Chapter 3 : Health and Safety Representatives and Committees
25. Health and safety representatives and committees
26. Negotiations and consultations before appointment of representatives
27. Designation of working places
28. Qualifications of representatives
29. Election and appointment of representatives
30. Rights and powers of representatives
31. Duty to compensate and assist representatives
32. Duty to inform representatives
33. Negotiation and consultation on establishment of committees
34. Establishment of health and safety committees
35. Committee procedures
36. Rights and powers of health and safety committee
37. Duty to support committee
38. Disclosure of information
39. Disputes concerning disclosure of information
40. Disputes concerning this Chapter
Chapter 4 : Tripartite Institutions
41. Establishment of tripartite institutions
42. Mine Health and Safety Council
43. Council's duties
44. [Repealed] Duties of committees
45. Mining Qualifications Authority
46. Mining Qualifications Authority's functions
Chapter 5 : Inspectorate of Mine Health and Safety
47. Inspectorate established
48. Chief Inspector of Mines
49. Chief Inspector of Mines' functions
49A. Financial and judicial management of Mine Health and Safety Inspectorate
49B. Co-operative governance
50. Inspectors' powers
51. Inspector may be accompanied
52. Duty to assist inspector and answer questions
53. Duty to produce documents required by inspector
54. Inspector's power to deal with dangerous conditions
55. Inspectors' power to order compliance
55A. Inspector's Powers to Recommend Fine
55B. Principal Inspector of Mines may impose fines
55C. [Repealed] Principal Inspector of Mines may refer matter to Attorney-General
55D. [Repealed] Principal Inspector of Mines may impose fine
55E. [Repealed] Determination of Employer's Liability
55F. [Repealed] Employer must pay fine
55G. [Repealed] Chief Inspector of Mies must issue Guidelines
55H. [Repealed] Use of fines
56. Instructions to be posted at mine
57. Right to appeal inspectors' decisions
57A. [Repealed] Right to appeal against Principals Inspector of Mines' Decision
58. Right to appeal Chief Inspector of Mines' decision
59. Appeal does not suspend decision
60. Initiating investigations
61. Chief Inspector of Mines may designate assistant in investigation
62. Duty to answer questions during investigation
63. Enhancing effectiveness of investigation
64. Reports on investigations
65. Initiating inquiries
66. Investigation may be converted into inquiry
67. Chief Inspector of Mines may designate assistant in inquiry
68. Inquiry to be public
69. Right to participate in inquiry
70. Powers of person presiding at inquiry
71. Duty of persons summoned or instructed
72. Inquiry records and reports
73. Chief Inspector of Mines may order further inquiry
74. Inquiry and inquest may be conducted jointly
Chapter 6 : Minister's Powers
75. Minister may prohibit or restrict work
76. Minister may declare health hazards
77. Application of Minister's notice
78. Exemption from Minister's notice
79. Exemption from all or part of this Act
80. Minister may apply other laws to mine
81. Minister to table annual report
Chapter 7 : Legal Proceedings and Offences
82. Jurisdiction of Labour Court
83. No discrimination against employees who exercise rights
84. Safety equipment not to be interfered with
85. Juvenile employment underground prohibited
86. Negligent act or omission
86A. Criminal liability
87. Breach of confidence
88. Hindering administration of this Act
89. Falsifying documents
90. Failure to attend when summoned
91. Failure to comply with this Act
92. Penalties
93. Magistrate's court has jurisdiction to impose penalties
94. Serving of documents
95. Proof of facts
Chapter 8 : General Provisions
96. Delegation and exercise of power
97. Minister's power to add and change Schedules
98. Regulations
99. Amendment of laws
100. Transitional arrangements
101. Interpretation
102. Definitions
103. Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993, not applicable
104. Civil liability of State
105. Act binds State
106. Short title and commencement
Schedule 1 : Guidelines for Determining the Number of Full-time Health and Safety Representatives
Schedule 2 : Nomination and Appointment of Members to Tripartite Institutions
Schedule 3 : Amendment of Laws
A : Minerals Act, 1991
1. Amendment of section 1 of Act 50 of 1991, as amended by section 1 of Act 103 of 1993
2. Amendment of section 2 of Act 50 of 1991, as substituted by section 2 of Act 103 of 1993
3. Amendment of section 8 of Act 50 of 1991
4. Amendment of section 9 of Act 50 of 1991
5. Amendment of section 12 of Act 50 of 1991
6. Substitution of section 15 of Act 50 of 1991
7. Amendment of section 25 of Act 50 of 1991
8. Repeal of sections 26 to 37 of Act 50 of 1991
9. Amendment of section 39 of Act 50 of 1991
10. Amendment of section 41 of Act 50 of 1991
11. Amendment of section 51 of Act 50 of 1991, as amended by section 20 of Act 103 of 1993
12. Insertion of sections 53A, 53B and 53C in Act 50 of 1991
13. Amendment of section 54 of Act 50 of 1991
14. Amendment of section 60 of Act 50 of 1993
15. Amendment of section 61 of Act 50 of 1991, as amended by section 22 of Act 103 of 1993
16. Amendment of section 63 of Act 50 of 1991, as amended by section 24 of Act 103 of 1993
17. Substitution of expression in Act 50 of 1991
18. Substitution of long title of Act 50 of 1991
B. Reference to Government Mining Engineer in certain Acts
Schedule 4 : Transitional Provisions
Schedule 5 : Suspension and Variation of Application of Occupational Diseases in Mines and Works Act, 1973 (Act No. 78 of 1973)
Schedule 6 : Constitution of the Mine Health and Safety Council
1. Establishment of Council and Committees
2. Legal Status
3. Object of Council
4. Functions of Council
5. Functions of Committees
6. Functions of Other Committees
7. Delegation and Assignment of Functions
8. Composition of Council and Committees
9. Nomination and Appointment of Members
10. Vacation of Office
11. Functions of Chairperson
12. Appointment and Functions of Secretary
13. Rights and Obligations of Members
14. Meetings
15. Quorum
16. Procedures at Meetings
17. Resolution of Meeting
18. Funds of Council
19. Accountability
20. Administrative Functions
21. Abolition of Council or Committee
22. Limitation of Liability
23. Amendment of Constitution
24. Definitions
Schedule 7 : Constitution of Mining Qualifications Authority (MQA)
1. Establishment of Authority and Committees
2. Legal Status
3. Objects of Authority
4. Functions of Authority
5. Functions of Committees
6. Functions of Other Committees
7. Composition of Authority and Committees
8. Nomination and Appointment of Members of Committees
9. Vacation of Office
10. Appointment and Functions of the Executive Officer
11. Delegation and Assignment of Functions
12. Functions of the Chairperson
13. Appointment and Functions of Secretary
14. Rights and Obligations of Members
15. Meetings
16. Quorum
17. Procedures at Meetings
18. Resolution of Meeting
19. Funds of Authority
20. Accounting
21. Abolition of Authority and Committees
22. Limitation of Liability
23. Amendments to Constitution
24. Interpretation
Schedule 8 : Tables 1 and 2
Mine Health and Safety Regulations
Notice No. R. 93 of 1997
Chapter 1 : Appointments and Administration
Chapter 2 : Duties and Responsibilities
Chapter 3 : Electricity
Chapter 4 : Explosives
Chapter 5 : Fires and Explosions
Chapter 6 : Health and Safety Representatives and Committees
Chapter 7 : Inspectorate of Mine Health and Safety
Chapter 8 : Machinery and Equipment
Chapter 9 : Mine Environmental Engineering and Occupational Hygiene
Chapter 10 : Place of an Accident to be left Undisturbed
Chapter 10 : Miscellaneous and General Provisions
Chapter 11 : Occupational Health
Chapter 12 : Offshore Installations
Chapter 13 : Outlets, Ladderways and Travelling Ways
Chapter 14 : Fall of Ground Regulations
Chapter 15 : Qualifications and Competencies
Chapter 16 : Rescue, First Aid and Emergency Preparedness and Response
Chapter 17 : Surveying, Mapping and Mine Plans
Chapter 18 : Tripartite Institutions
Chapter 19 : Underwater Mining
Chapter 20 : Definitions
Chapter 21 : Forms
Form 21.9(2)(a)
Form 21.9(2)(b)
Form 21.9(2)(c)
Form 21.9(2)(d)
Form 21.9(2)(e)
Form 21.9(2)(f)
Form DMR 231
Annexure A
Annexure B
Annexure C
Annexure D
Annexure E
Form DMR 289 : Lifts
Form DMR 299 : Chairlifts
Chapter 22 : Schedules
Chapter 23 : Reporting of Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences
General Regulations
Regulations relating to the Payment of Levies by Mines on the Basics of Health and Safety Risk
Notice No. 846 of 2006
1. Definitions
2. Establishment of a safety research account
3. Control of the safety and research account
4. Determination of safety and health risk
5. Overall research programme
6. Granting approval for the research programme
7. Management of the Research Account
8. Repeal of regulations, and savings
Notices, Guidance Notes, Compilation Guidelines
Division of Republic into Regions
Notice No. R. 92 of 1997
Declaration of Work in National Interest
Notice No. 176 of 2000
Guideline for the Compilation of a Mandatory Code of Practice for an Occupational Health Programme (Occupational Hygiene and Medical Surveillance) on Personal Exposure to Airborne Pollutants
Notice No. 419 of 2018
Part A : The Guideline
1. Foreword
2. Legal Status of the Guideline and Codes of Practice
3. Objectives of the Guideline
4. Definitions and Acronyms
5. Scope
6. Members of the Task Group
Part B : Author's Guide
Part C : Format and Content of the Mandatory COP
Part D : Implementation
Annexure A : Mandatory codes
Annexure B : HEG determination, example of statistical approach
Annexure C : Mandatory classification bands
Annexure D : Supplementary information for determination of HEGs
1. Definitions
2. Exposure standards for particulars not otherwise classified (PNOC)
3. Mixtures of substances
Annexure E : Background information, sampling and analysis on particulates
1. Sampling methodology and analysis for airborne particulates
2. Standard procedure for the assembly of the sampling train
3. Sampling
4. After sampling
5. Visual examination
6. Sampling methodology
7. Filters
8. Storage/Transportation of samples
9. Weighing Room
10. Analysis
Annexure F : Quality assurance
1. Role of Weighing Quality Assurance Program
2. Organisation
3. Quality Assurance in Sampling
4. Quality Assurance in Measurement
5. Inter-Laboratory Testing
6. Reporting
7. Laboratory Notebooks
8. Instrument Maintenance
9. Sample Tracking
10. Quality Assurance Records
Guidance Note for a Management and Control Programme for Tuberculosis in the South African Mining Industry
Notice No. 851 of 2018
Part A : The Guideline
1. Foreword
2. Legal status of the guidance note
3. Objectives of the guidance note
4. Definitions and acronyms
5. The objectives of a Tuberculosis Control Programme at a mine
Part B : Author's Guide
1. Passive case finding
2. Active case finding
3. TB case definition
4. Diagnosis
5. Treatment category
6. Treatment regimens
7. Fitness to perform work
8. Case monitoring
9. Treatment outcomes
10. Treatment follow-up
11. Reporting and monitoring
12. Training and support
13. Liaison with the public sector
14. Certain documents to be available
15. Performance indicators
16. Programme performance reviews
Annexure A
Guidance Note on Medico-Legal Investigations of Mine Deaths
Notice No. 651 of 2019
Part A : The Guidance Note
1. Foreword
2. Legal Status of the Guidance Note
3. The Objective of the Guidance Note
4. Definitions
5. Acronyms and Abbreviations
6. Members of the Task Team
7. Background Information
8. Relevant Acts and Other Statutory Provisions
9. Roles and Responsibilities of Stakeholders
10. Medico-Legal aspects to be considered
11. Causes of Deaths
12. Human Immunodeficiency Virus and acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
13. Alleged Suicide Cases
Annexure 1 : Guidance note fore medico-legal investigation of deaths in the mining industry
Annexure 2 : Certificate by medical practitioner
Annexure 3 : Confidentially of medico-legal post mortem findings and reports
Annexure 4 : Referral letter - Mine related deaths
Guideline for the Compilation of a Mandatory Code of Practice for the Management of Self-contained Self-rescuers in Mines
Notice No. 27 of 2020
Part A : The Guideline
1. Foreword
2. Legal Status of Guidelines and COPs
3. The Objective of this Guideline
4. Definitions and Acronyms
5. Scope
6. Membership of the Task Team
Part B : Author's Guide
Part C : Format and Content of the Mandatory COP
1. Title Page
2. Table of Contents
3. Status of the COP
4. Members of the Drafting Committee
5. General Information
6. Terms and Definitions
7. Risk Management
8. Aspects to be Addressed in the COP
Part D : Implementation
1. Implementation Plan
2. Compliance with the Code of Practice
3. Access to the Code of Practice and related Documents
Annexure 1 : Guidance Note 1 (mandatory) : SCSR cold start procedure generic notes on fires
Annexure 2 : Guidance Note 2 (mandatory) : Leak testing (for lamp-rooms only)
Annexure 3 : Sample allocation form for SCSR allocation history records : Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act 29 1996) Regulations Chapter 16 (Draft) (For information purposes)
Annexure 4 : References
Guideline for the Compilation of a Mandatory Code of Practice for the Prevention of Flammable Gas and Coal Dust Explosions in Collieries
Notice No. 28 of 2020
Part A : The Guideline
1. Foreword
2. Legal Status of Guidelines and COPs
3. The Objective of this Guideline
4. Definitions and Acronyms
5. Scope
6. Members of the Task Group
Part B : Author's Guide
Part C : Format and Content of the COP
1. Title Page
2. Table of Contents
3. Status of the COP
4. Members of the Drafting Committee
5. General Information
6. Terms and Definitions
7. Risk Management
8. Aspects to be Addressed in the COP
Part D : Implementation
1. Implementation Plan
2. Compliance with this COP
3. Access to this COP and Related Documents
Annexure 1 : Guidance Note for Lamproom Practice
1. Introduction
2. Legal Status
3. Definitions
4. Competent Person
5. Certification of Specification Compliant
6. Allocation of Equipment in Compliance with SABS Specifications
7. Storage of Equipment
8. Equipment Control
9. Reporting
10. Compliance Tests
Annexure 2 : Guidance Note for the prevention of flammable gas and coaldust explosions in collieries
1. Introduction
2. Legal Status of the Guidance Note
3. Design Objectives
4. Preventing the Accumulation of an Explosive Concentration of Flammable Gas
5. Preventing the Ignition of Flammable Gas
6. Compliance Test
Annexure 3 : Stone dust inertisation standard, compliance sampling and analysis of samples
1. Stone Dust Sampling Programs
Annexure 4 : Design, installation, maintenance and monitoring of barriers to prevent the propagation of coal dust explosions (This annexure must be complied with and incorporated in the COP)
1. Stone Dust Barrier
2. Water Barriers
3. Bagged Stone Dust Barriers
4. Active Roadway Barrier
Annexure 5 : References (For information purposes)
Annexure 6 : Relevant SIMRAC reports (For information purposes)
Annexure 7 : SANS references
Annexure 8 : Appointment of members of a drafting committee for a mandatory COP (For information purposes)
Guideline for the Compilation of a Mandatory Code of Practice for the Management of Working in Confined Spaces at Mines
Notice No. 29 of 2020
Part A : The Guideline
1. Foreword
2. Legal Status of Guidelines and COPs
3. The Objective of the Guideline
4. Definitions and Acronyms
5. Scope
6. Members of Task Committee
Part B : Author's Guide
Part C : Format and Content of the COP
1. Title Page
2. Table of Contents
3. Status of the COP
4. Members of the Drafting Committee
5. General Information
6. Terms and Definitions
7. Risk Management
8. Aspects to be Addressed in the COP
Part D : Implementation
1. Implementation Plan
2. Compliance with this Code of Practice
3. Access to the Code of Practice and Related Documents
Annexure 1 : Roles and responsibilities
Guidance Note for the Implementation of HIV Self-Testing in the South African Mining Industry
Notice No. 30 of 2020
Part A : The Guidance Note
1. Foreword
2. Status of the Guidance Note
3. The Objectives of the Guidance Note
4. Definitions and Acronyms
5. Members of the Task Team
6. Scope
7. Aspects to be Addressed in the HIVST Programme
8. References
Guidance Note on the Management and Control of HIV in the South African Mining Industry
Notice No. 327 of 2021
Part A : The Guidance Note
1. Foreword
2. Scope
3. Status of the Guidance Note
4. The Objectives of the Guidance Note
5. Definitions and Acronyms
6. Members of the Task Team
7. The Objectives of the HIV and AIDS Management Programme at a Mine
8. Aspects to be Addressed in the Guidance Note
9. Integration of HIV and TB Management
10. Fitness to Perform Work
11. Package of HIV Management
12. Monitoring and Reporting
13. Training and Support
14. Liaison with the Public Sector
15. Certain Documents to be available
16. Programme Performance Monitoring and Evaluation
Part B : Implementation
1. Implementation Plan
2. Compliance with the Guidance Note
3. Access to the Guidance Note and Related Documents
Guideline for the Compilation of a Mandatory Code of Practice for the Prevention, Mitigation and Management of COVID-19 outbreak
Notice No. 701 of 2021
Part A: The Guideline
1. Foreword
2. Legal status of the guideline and Codes of Practice
3. The objectives of this guideline
4. Definitions and acronyms
5. Scope
6. Members of the task team
Part B: Author's Guide
Part C: Format and Content of the Mandatory COP
1. Title page
2. Table of contents
3. Status of the mandatory COP
4. Members of the drafting committee
5. General information
6. Terms and definitions
7. Risk management
8. Key elements to be addressed in the COP
8.1 Risk assessment
8.2 Start-up procedures for mines
8.3 COVID-19 mitigation and management programme
8.4 Monitoring and reporting
8.5 Compensation for Occupational Acquired Novel Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19)
Part D: Implementation
1. Implementation plan
2. Compliance with the COP
3. Access to the COP and related documents
Annexure 1: Worker COVID-19 risk assessment
Annexure 2: Specialised health risk assessment for workplaces (by employers and self-employed persons)
Annexure 3: COVID-19 walk-through risk assessment
Annexure 4: Guideline on safe and healthy start-up procedure post-COVID-19 lockdown, which resulted in the extended shutdown of active mining operations
Annexure 5: Start-up procedure of mines by employers and employees following a 21-day national lockdown
Annexure 6: Guidance on PPE for the COVID-19 pandemic
Annexure 7: Criteria for PUI will be as per the latest NDOH and NICD guidelines
Annexure 7(a): COVID-19 notifiable medical condition case definitions will be as per the latest NDOH and NICD guidelines on case definitions
Annexure 8: Control measures to manage the risk of exposure to a breathalyser
Annexure 9: Handling of occupational hygiene personal sampling with regards to COVID-19
Annexure 10: Notice on compensation for occupationally acquired corova virus under COIDA, Amended Act
Annexure 11: Spirometry testing
Guidance Note for the Management of Latent Tuberculosis Infection in the South African Mining Industry
Notice No. 5404 of 2024
Part A: The Guidance Note
1. Foreword
2. Scope
3. Status of the Guidance Note
4. The Objectives of the Guidance Note
5. Definitions and Acronyms
6. Members of the Guideline Review Task Group
7. Background
8. Aspects to be addressed in the mandatory COP
Part B: Implementation
1. Implementation Plan
2. Compliance with the Guidance Note
3. Access to the Guidance Note and Related Documents
Part C: Monitoring and Evaluation
Annexure A: Reference
Annexure B: Algorithm for Managing the Population at Risk of Developing LTBIS in the South African Mining Industry
Annexure C: TB Symptom Screening Tool for Adults and Children (Adopted from the NDOH TB Screening and Testing Standard Operating Procedure 2022)
Annexure D: Tuberculin Skin Test
Guideline for a Mandatory Code of Practice
Safe Use of Conveyor Belt Installations for the Transportation of Mineral, Material or Personnel
Notice No. R. 1024 of 2014
Part A: The Guideline
1. Foreword
2. Legal status of Guidelines and Codes of Practice
3. The objective of this guideline
4. Acronyms and definitions
5. Scope
6. Membership of the task group preparing the guideline
Part B: Author's Guide
Part C: Format and Content of the Code of Practice
1. Title page
2. Table of contents
3. Status of a mandatory COP
4. Members of Drafting Committee
5. General information
6. Terms and definitions
7. Risk management
8. Aspects to be addressed in the Mandatory COP
8.1 Design
8.2 Installation, extension, dismantling, transport and re-installation
8.3 Maintenance and repairs
8.4 Fire prevention
Part D: Implementation
1. Implementation plan
2. Compliance with the COP
3. Access to the COP and related document
Annexure A: References
Annexure B: Minimum Performance Standards
Conveyor System Protection Devices
Belt control
Belt overload
Belt slip protection
Take-up over-travel
Bin level
Fire detection
Lightning protection
Dust suppression
Guards and fences
Nip Points and Nip Guards
Ergonomics (human - machine interface)
Annexure C: Ergonomic Data
C1 General
C2 Reaching Up
C3 Upper Limb Reach Distance with Fixed Fences
C4 Reaching Around with Upper Limbs
C5 Reaching In and Through Regular Openings with Upper Limbs
C6 Openings of irregular Shape
C7 Lower Limb Reach Distance
C8 Minimum Gaps to Prevent Crushing
Risk-based Fatigue Management at Mines
Notice No. R. 1025 of 2014
Part A: The Guideline
1. Foreword
2. Legal Status of Guidelines and Codes of Practice
3. The Objectives of the Guideline
4. Definitions and Acronyms
5. Scope
6. Members of Task Team
Part B: Author's Guide
Part C: Format and Content of the Mandatory Code of Practice
1. Title Page
2. Table of Contents
3. Status of Mandatory Code of Practice
4. Members of Drafting Committee
5. General Information
6. Terms, Definitions and Acronyms
7. Risk Management
8. Aspects to be addressed in the Code of Practice
8.1 Factors to be considered when addressing fatigue at mines
8.2 Development of a fatigue management plan
Part D: Implementation
1. Implementation Plan
2. Compliance with the Code of Practice
3. Access to the Code of Practice and Related Documents
Annexure A: Shift systems and rostering (Fss)
Annexure B: Ergonomics, environmental and work factors (FEW)
Annexure C: Personal factors (FPF)
Annexure D: Fatigue risk worksheets or FSS/FEW
Annexure E: Review of accident or incident reports
Provision of Personal Protective Equipment for Women in the South African Mining Industry
Notice No. 854 of 2015
Part A: The Guideline
1. Foreword
2. Legal Status of Guidelines and Codes of Practice
3. The Objective of this Guideline
4. Definitions and Acronyms
5. Scope
6. Membership of Task Group
Part B: Author's Guide
Part C: Format and Content of the Mandatory Code of Practice
1. Title Page
2. Table of Contents
3. Status of Mandatory Code of Practice
4. Members of Drafting Committee
5. General Information
6. Terms and Definitions
7. Risk Management
8. Aspects to be Addressed in the Mandatory Code ...
Part D: Implementation
1. Implementation Plan
2. Compliance with the Code of Practice
3. Access to the Code of Practice and ...
Annexure 1: Reference material
Annexure 2: Common hazards at mines and possible PPE
Annexure 3: PPE for WIM selection guidelines
Trackless Mobile Machines
Notice No. 855 of 2015
Part A: The Guideline
1. Foreword
2. Legal Status of Guidelines and Codes of Practice
3. The objective of this guideline
4. Acronyms and definitions
5. Scope
6. Membership of task group preparing the guideline
Part B: Author's Guide
Part C: Format and Content of the Code of Practice
1. Title Page
2. Table of Contents
3. Status of a Mandatory COP
4. Members of the Drafting Committee
5. General Information
6. Terms and Definitions
7. Risk Management
8. Aspects to be addressed in the Mandatory COP
8.1 Design and specification register
8.2 Braking systems
8.3 Protection of the operator and passengers
8.4 Inadvertent movement of a trackless mobile machine
8.5 Safe boarding/alighting and working on trackless ...
8.6 Design and operation of tow-bars and coupling ...
8.7 Illumination
8.8 Physical constraints to operator vision
8.9 Remote and remotely controlled trackless ...
8.10 Maintenance and inspection of trackless mobile ...
8.11 Health and safety provisions on trackless ...
8.12 Trackless mobile machines to be operated by ...
8.13 Design of excavations and roadways
8.14 Operating procedures
8.15 Illumination of environment
8.16 Visibility of trackless mobile machines, trailers ...
8.17 Inclines and declines
8.18 Raising/lowering, suspension and transport ...
8.19 Personal protective equipment
Part D: Implementation
1. Implementation plan
2. Compliance with the COP
3. Access to the COP and related document
Annexure 1: References
Annexure 2: Area visibility plan
Cyanide Management
Underground Rail Bound Equipment
Notice No. 919 of 2015
Part A: The Guideline
1. Foreword
2. Legal status of Guidelines and Codes of Practice
3. The objective of this guideline
4. Acronyms and definitions
5. Scope
6. Members of the drafting committee
Part B: Author's Guide
Part C: Format and Content of the Code of Practice
1. Title page
2. Table of contents
3. Status of mandatory code of practice
4. Members of the drafting committee
5. General information
6. Terms and definitions
7. Risk management
8. Aspects to be addressed in the mandatory COP
Part D: Implementation
1. Implementation plan
2. Compliance with the COP
3. Access to the COP and related documents
Annexure 1 : Gradient vs Hauled Mass / Loco Mass at f = 0.18m/s2
Annexure 2 : References
Notice No. 856 of 2015
Part A: The Guideline
1. Foreword
2. Legal status of Guidelines and COPs
3. Objective of the Guideline
4. Definitions and acronyms
5. Scope
6. Members of the Task Group
Part B: Author's Guide
Part C: Format and Content of the Mandatory COP
1. Title Page
2. Table of contents
3. Status of COP
4. Members of drafting committee
5. General information
6. Terms and definitions
7. Risk management
8. Aspects to be addressed in the COP
8.1 Procurement
8.2 Delivery and off-loading
8.3 Storage and issuing
8.4 Transport and delivery from the point of ...
8.5 Use
8.6 Inspection and maintenance of equipment used
8.7 Timeous detection and reporting of leakages ...
8.8 Emergency preparedness and response
8.9 Training
8.10 Dialogue
Part D: Implementation
1. Implementation plan
2. Compliance with the COP
3. Access to the COP and related documents
Right to Refuse Dangerous Work and Leave Dangerous Working Places
Notice No. R. 148 of 2016
Part A : The Guideline
1. Foreword
2. Legal status of guidelines and COPs
3. Objective of the guideline
4. Definitions and acronyms
5. Scope
6. Task group memberships
Part B : Author's Guide
Part C : Format and Content of the Mandatory Code of Practice
1. Title page
2. Table of contents
3. Status of Mandatory COP
4. Members of drafting committee
5. General information
6. Terms and definitions
7. Risk management
8. Aspects to be addressed in the COP
Part D : Implementation
1. Implementation plan
2. Compliance with the COP
3. Access to the COP and related documents
Annexure 1 : The legislative background relating to the RRDW and RLDWP
Annexure 2 : Example of a table of the major hazards identified in terms of a mine's risk assessment which may give rise to employees having to exercise the RRDW or RLDWP
Annexure 3 : Example of a procedure for employees to exercise their RRDW or RLDWP
Management of Medical Incapacity due to Ill-Health and Injury
Notice No. R. 149 of 2016
Part A: The Guideline
1. Introduction
2. Legal Status of the Guideline and Codes of Practice
3. Objective of this Guideline
4. Definitions and acronyms
5. Scope
6. Members of the initial task group
Part B: Author's Guide
Part C: Format and Content of the Mandatory Code of Practice
1. Title page
2. Table of contents
3. Status of the Mandatory Code of Practice
4. Members of drafting committee
5. General information
6. Terms and definitions
7. Risk management
8. Aspects to be addressed in the Code of Practice on management of employees with medical incapacity working at a mine
Part D: Implementation Plan
1. Implementation plan
2. Compliance with the Code of Practice
3. Access to the Code of Practice and related documents
Annexure A: Legislative framework
Risk Based Emergency Care on a Mine
Notice No. R. 840 of 2016
Part A: The Guideline
1. Foreword
2. Legal status of guidelines and codes of practice
3. The objective of the risk-based emergency care guideline
4. Definitions and acronyms
5. Scope
6. Members of task committee
Part B: Author's Guide
Part C: Format and Content of the Mandatory Code of Practice
1. Title page
2. Table of contents
3. Status of Mandatory Code of Practice
4. Members of drafting committee
5. General information
6. Terms and definitions and acronyms
7. Risk management
8. Aspects to be addressed in the Code of Practice
Part D: Implementation
1. Implementation plan
2. Compliance with the Code of Practice
3. Access to the Code of Practice and related documents
Annexure A
Table 1A: Minimum standards to be complied with
Annexure B
Table 1B: Mandatory Minimum Competency for inclusion in the training to deal with Cyanide poisoning where applicable
Annexure C: Minimum contents of the first aid pack and other equipment
Table 1C: Contents of first aid packs and other equipment
Prevention of Fires at Mines
Notice R. 1199 of 2016
Part A : The Guideline
1. Foreword
2. Legal status of guidelines and COPS
3. Objective of the guideline
4. Definitions and acronyms
5. Scope
6. Members of the task group
Part B : Author's Guide
Part C : Format and Content of the Mandatory COP
1. Title page
2. Table of contents
3. Status of COP
4. Members of drafting committee
5. General information
6. Terms and definitions
7. Risk management
8. Aspects to be addressed in the COP
Part D : Implementation
1. Implementation plan
2. Compliance with the COP
3. Access to the COP and related documents
Annexure 1 : Generic notes on fires
Annexure 2 : Examples of fire hazards at mines
Annexure 3 : Mine infrastructure and fixed plant
Annexure 4 : General design requirements: Mobile equipment
Annexure 5 : General design requirements: Fuel storage areas, fuel transfer equipment and refuelling bays
Annexure 6 : Safe use, transport and handling of explosives
Annexure 7 : Generic operational and maintenance procedures
Annexure 8 : Inspections
Annexure 9 : Additional references
Prevention of Flammable Gas Explosions in Mines other than Coal Mines
Notice No. 326 of 2021
Part A: The Guideline
1. Foreword
2. Legal Status of the Guideline and COPs
3. The Objective of this Guideline
4. Definitions and Acronyms
5. Scope
6. Members of the Revision Task Team
Part B: Authors Guide
Part C: Format and Content of the Mandatory COP
1. Title Page
2. Table of Contents
3. Status of Mandatory COP
4. Members of Drafting Committee
5. General Information
6. Terms and Definitions
7. Risk Management
8. Aspects to be addressed in the Mandatory COP
Part D: Implementation
1. Implementation plan
2. Compliance with the COP
3. Access to the COP and related documents
Occupational Health Programme on Thermal Stress
Notice No. 1754 of 2022
Part A: The Guideline
1. Foreword
2. Legal Status of the Guideline and COP
3. The Objectives of the Guideline
4. Definitions and Acronyms
5. Scope
6. Members of the Task Team
Part B: Author's Guide
Part C: Format and Content of the Mandatory COP
1. Title Page
2. Table of Contents
3. Status of COP
4. Members of the Drafting Committee
5. General Information
6. Terms and Definitions
7. Risk Management
8. Key elements to be addressed in the COP
Part D: Implementation
1. Implementation plan
2. Compliance with the COP
3. Access to the COP and related documents
Occupational Health Programme (Occupational Hygiene and Medical Surveillance) for Noise
Notice No. 1755 of 2022
Part A: The Guideline
1. Foreword
2. Legal Status of Guidelines and COPs
3. Objectives of the Guideline
4. Definitiions and Acronyms
5. Scope
6. Members of the Task Team
Part B: Author's Guide
Part C: Format and Content of the Mandatory COP
1. Title Page
2. Table of Contents
3. Status of the Mandatory COP
4. Members of the Drafting Committee
5. General Information
6. Terms and Definitions
7. Risk Management
8. Aspects to be addressed in the COP
Part D: Implementation
1. Implementation Plan
2. Compliance with the COP
3. Access to the COP and related documents
Minimum Standards on Ground Vibrations, Noise, Air-Blast and Flyrock near surface structures and Communities to be Protected
Notice No. 5097 of 2024
Part A : The Guideline
1. Introduction
2. Legal Status of the Guideline and COP
3. Objective of this Guideline
4. Definitions and Acronyms
5. Members of the Guideline Review Task Team
Part B : Author's Guide
Part C : Format and Content of the Mandatory COP
1. Title Page
2. Table of Contents
3. Status of the mandatory COP
4. Members of the drafting committee preparing the COP
5. General Information
6. Terms and Definitions
7. Risk Management
8. Aspects to be addressed in the mandatory COP
Part D: Implementation
1. Implementation Plan
2. Compliance with the COP
3. Access to the COP and related documents
Annexure A: References
Quality Assurance Programme for a System of Occupational Hygiene and Ventilation Engineering Measurements
Notice No. 5099 of 2024
Part A: The Guideline
1. Foreword
2. Legal Status of the Guideline and COP
3. Objective of this Guideline
4. Definitions and Acronyms
5. Scope
6. Members of the Guideline Review Task Group
Part B: Author's Guide
Part C: Format and Content of the Mandatory COP
1. Title Page
2. Table of Contents
3. Status of the Mandatory COP
4. Members of the drafting committee preparing the COP
5. General Information
6. Terms and Definitions
7. Risk Management
8. Aspects to be addressed in the mandatory COP
Part D: Implementation
1. Implementation Plan
2. Compliance with the COP
3. Access to the COP and related documents
Annexure A: MHSA Minimum Requirements for Defining the Roles and Responsibilities
Annexure B: Minimum Requirements for a Weighing Room
Annexure C: Field Sampling Information
Annexure 3 : Stone dust inertisation standard, compliance sampling and analysis of samples
1. Stone Dust Sampling Programs
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