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Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act No. 29 of 1996)


Guidance Note on the Management and Control of HIV in the South African Mining Industry

Part A : The Guidance Note

5. Definitions and Acronyms



means acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.



means anti-retroviral treatment.



means Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Disease Act (Act 130 of 1993).



means Code of Practice.



means District Health Information System .



means Department of Mineral Resources and Energy.



means an employee assistance programme.



means enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay .


"Good practice"

as used in this document means linking employees to HTS and observing the industry milestones targets and the UNAIDS 90/90/90 targets .



means HIV, AIDS, STI and TB.



means haemoglobin.



means HIV counselling and testing.


"Health  worker"

means  all  people  primarily  engaged  to  enhance  health  by providing preventative , curative, promotional or rehabilitative health care services .



means human immunodeficiency virus.



means HIV testing services .



means International Labour Organisation .



means isoniazid preventive therapy .



means immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome .



means low density lipoprotein cholesterol.



means Medical Bureau for Occupational Disease&.



means master cell bank.



means mean corpuscular volume .



means Mine Health and Safety Act , (Act No 29 of 1996), as amended.



means Mine Health and Safety Council.



means non-communicable diseases.



means National Department of Health.



means nurse-initiated management of ART.



means National Institute for Occupational Health.



means National Strategic Plan for HIV, TB and STls 2017 - 2022 .



means National Tuberculosis Management Guideline issued by NDOH.



means post exposure prophylaxis.



means pre-exposure prophylaxis.



means South African National AIDS Council Trust.



means sexually transmitted diseases .



means tuberculosis.