R 385
Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act No. 29 of 1996)RegulationsGuideline for a Mandatory Code of PracticeSafe Use of Conveyor Belt Installations for the Transportation of Mineral, Material or PersonnelAnnexuresAnnexure C: Ergonomic Data - extracts from to AS1755-2000 (Normative)C1 General |
The data below are for users who need to design and build guards that prevent persons from encroaching into a danger zone associated with a machine.
They are taken from AS 4024.1-1996, and the most recently published version of that Standard shall be used, except for the specific variations detailed in Figure C4 herein. Users shall carefully consider whether the data are appropriate for use with the specific workforce which may be taller, shorter or thinner than the population from which the data were taken.
Where doubt exists, measurements of the workforce may be taken and careful trials made to ensure that the danger points are beyond reach. Where such trials are made, the machinery shall be in a safe condition during the trials.