Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act No. 29 of 1996)RegulationsGuideline for a Mandatory Code of PracticeSafe Use of Conveyor Belt Installations for the Transportation of Mineral, Material or PersonnelPart A: The Guideline4. Acronyms and definitions |
In this guideline for a COP the following acronyms and definitions are used:
COP means a Code of Practice.
DMR means Department of Mineral Resources
ECSA means Engineering Council of South Africa
MHSA means the Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996, Act 29 of 1996.
MRAC means Mining Regulation Advisory Committee
SABS means South African Bureau of Standards.
SANS means South African National Standards
SIMRAC means Safety in Mines Research Advisory Committee
"Conveyor belt installation" means a mechanical system used for the transportation of mineral, material or personnel on a belt over a distance.
"Power supply" means any energy source feeding the drive motor of a conveyor belt installation.