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Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act No. 29 of 1996)SchedulesSchedule 6 : Constitution of the Mine Health and Safety Council14. Meetings |
(1) | The Council must meet at such intervals as required for the proper performance of the functions of the Council, but at least once every six months. |
(2) | Every permanent and ad hoc committee must meet at such intervals as required for the proper performance of the functions of the committee, but at least once every three months. |
(3) | Subcommittees must meet at such intervals as determined by their activities and the dates for the completion of their tasks. |
(4) | An urgent meeting of the Council or any committee may be called by the chairperson at the written request of at least two members or when the chairperson deems it necessary. |
(5) | The Council may direct any committee to call an urgent meeting to resolve any matter determined by the Council. |
(6) | A permanent or ad hoc committee may direct any of its subcommittees to call an urgent meeting to resolve any matter determined by such committee. |