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Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act No. 29 of 1996)SchedulesSchedule 7 : Constitution of Mining Qualifications Authority10. Appointment and Functions of the Executive Officer |
(1) | The Minister, after consulting the Authority, must appoint a person with experience and expertise in matters relating to functions of the Authority as executive officer of the Authority. |
(2) | The executive officer must perform such functions as may be assigned to the executive officer by this Act or by the Authority. |
(3) | The executive officer must attend all meetings of the Authority. |
(4) | If the executive officer is absent or for any reason is unable to perform the functions of the executive officer or if there is a vacancy in the office of the executive officer, the chairperson of the Authority may designate an employee of the Authority to act as executive officer until the executive officer is able to resume the functions of executive officer or until an executive officer is appointed in terms of subitem (1). |
(5) | The Authority may, subject to the provisions of item 19(2)(b), appoint persons as employees of the Authority to assist in the performance of the functions of the executive officer. |
(6) | The terms and conditions of service of persons appointed under subitem (5) are determined by the Minister after consulting the Authority. |