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Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002 (Act No. 28 of 2002)RegulationsAmendment Regulations to the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Regulations, 2020Chapter 2 : Mineral and Petroleum, Social and Environmental RegulationsPart 1 : Mineral and Petroleum Regulation8. Progress report in respect of prospecting |
(1) | Every 12 months from the date of the granting of a prospecting right, or at the end of the period of the prospecting right if the period of prospecting is less than 12 months, the holder of a prospecting right must submit, within 30 days of the expiry of such period, progress reports contemplated in section 21(1)(b) of the Act, to the Regional Manager regarding the prospecting operation. |
(2) | The progress report contemplated in subregulation (1) must contain the following: |
(a) | Details of the prospecting operations conducted during the reporting period; |
(b) | a surface plan which corresponds with the plan contemplated in regulation 2(2), of the prospecting area, the location, extent and depth of all boreholes, trenches or excavations completed; |
(c) | the lithology, mineral content and mineral distribution identified in those boreholes, trenches or excavations; |
(d) | any geological or pre-feasibility reports, or any geological and pre-feasibility reports, completed on the mineral or minerals obtained from the excavation, trench or borehole or a brief summary statement of the results; |
(e) | actual expenditure incurred in respect of the prospecting area and the basis on which it was calculated; |
(f) | details with regard to the execution and compliance with the approved environmental management plan; |
(g) | prospecting operations that will be conducted during the next reporting period in accordance with the prospecting work programme; |
(h) | any other relevant information obtained by the holder of a prospecting right regarding the prospecting operations; and |
(i) | any additional information regarding the prospecting operations, requested by the Minister. |
(3) | If prospecting methods other than boreholes, trenches or excavations are utilized, the following information is required in the progress report : |
(a) | Full details of any geophysical surveys conducted, including— |
(i) | the flight plans or surface plans showing all flight lines or traverse lines; and |
(ii) | any data in writing or digital format gathered during those surveys. |
(b) | full details of any geochemical surveys conducted, including- |
(i) | the surface plans showing all sample points; |
(ii) | the details of all analysis carried out on those samples; and |
(iii) | the full analytical results of all those samples; and |
(c) | the full results of any other investigations or tests performed, including locations of any other samples and bulk samples collected, including, where applicable- |
(i) | the petrographic descriptions of thin sections; |
(ii) | the full information and analytical results of any age determinations; |
(iii) | the full results of any physical properties determined; |
(iv) | the full results of any chemical analysis performed; |
(v) | the full results of any sedimentological investigations; and |
(vi) | the full results of any other tests or procedures performed. |
(4) | Certified copies of any geological maps or plans produced during the prospecting operation must be included in the progress report. |
(5) | The holder of a prospecting right must supply the Regional Manager concerned with a list of borehole core information generated during any drilling programme. |
(6) | The holder contemplated in subregulation (5) must obtain written permission from the Regional Manager to destroy any residual borehole core. |