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Table of Contents
Mining Titles Registration Act, 1967 (Act No. 16 of 1967)
Notice No. 269 of 1967
Chapter I : Introduction
1. Interpretation of terms
Chapter II : Administration
2. Mineral and Petroleum Titles Registration Office
3. Appointments
4. Seal of office
5. Duties of Director-General
6. Powers of Director-General
7. Registered deeds not to be cancelled except upon an order of court
8. Inspection of records and supply of information
9. [Repealed]
10. Regulations
Chapter III : Registration : General Provisions
11. Registers
12. Continuation of existing registers during the transitional period
12A. Lodgement
13. When registration takes place
14. Deeds to follow sequence of their relative causes
15. Preparation of deeds
15A. Proof of facts in connection with transactions in Mineral and Petroleum Titles Registration Office
16. Registration of rights in name of holder
16A. Execution of deeds by prospective holders of rights
Chapter IV : Registration of Deeds of Transfer and of Cession
17. Preparation and execution of deeds of transfer, cessions and mortgage bonds
18. [Repealed]
19. Transfer of cession of two or more rights by one deed
20. Special provisions relating to transfer or cession of undivided shares
21. [Repealed]
22. [Repealed]
Chapter V : Substituted Title Deeds
23. [Repealed]
24. Certificate of registered title of one or more rights held under one title deed and of undivided shares
25. [Repealed]
26. [Repealed]
27. [Repealed]
Chapter VI : Change of Title by Endorsement
28. [Repealed]
29. [Repealed]
30. [Repealed]
Chapter VII : Bonds: General Provisions
31. Execution of bonds
32. Requirements in case of bonds intended to secure future debts
33. Cession of bond to secure future advances
34. Exclusion of general clause in mortgage bonds
35. Requirements in case of bonds passed by or in favour of two or more persons
36. No bond to be passed in favour of an agent
Chapter VIII : Rights of Mortgagees
37. Transfer or cession of mortgaged rights
38. Substitution of debtor in respect of a bond
39. Return by Master in connection with insolvement estates and further provisions relative to insolvent estates
40. Endorsement on bond after sale in execution
Chapter IX : Servitudes, Contracts, Tributing Agreements and Leases
41. Registration of servitudes and contracts
42. Restriction of registration of personal servitudes
43. Registration of lapse of personal servitude
44. Transfer, cession and mortgage of rights with personal servitude thereon
45. [Repealed]
46. Registration of leases and sub-leases
47. Termination of registered lease
Chapter X : Miscellaneous
48. [Repealed]
49. [Repealed]
50. [Repealed]
51. [Repealed]
52. [Repealed]
53. [Repealed]
54. [Repealed]
55. [Repealed]
56. [Repealed]
57. Transfer and cession not to be passed as security
58. Taxes and transfer duty to be paid before transfer or cession
59. Registration of change of name
60. [Repealed]
61. Attestation of powers of attorney and other documents in the Republic
62. [Repealed]
63. Notice to Director-General of application to court
64. Substituted copy of lost deed supersedes original which must be surrendered on recovery
65. Exemption from liability for acts or omissions in the Mineral and Petroleum Titles Registration Office
66. Formal defects
67. [Repealed]
67A. Registration of OP26 rights and converted old order rights
68. Short title and commencement
Mining Titles Registration Regulations, 2004
Notice No. R. 604 of 2004
Chapter I : Short Title and Commencement
Chapter II : Powers of Attorney
Chapter III : Preparation and Lodgement of Deeds and Documents excluding Bonds
Chapter IV : Diagrams and Plans
Chapter V : Bonds
Chapter VI : Copies of Deeds, Plans, Diagrams and other Documents
Chapter VII : Information
Chapter VIII : Archiving
Chapter IX : General Provisions
Chapter X : Office Fees and Charges
Chapter XI : Forms
Schedule A
Form A
Form B
Form C
Form D
Form E
Form F
Schedule B
Mining Titles Registration Act, 1967 (Act No. 16 of 1967)
Chapter VI : Change of Title by Endorsement
30. [Repealed]
[Section 30 repealed by section 24 of Act No. 24 of 2003]
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