R 385
Chapter III : Authorization to Establish, and Registration and Cancellation of Registration of, Mutual Banks |
9. Registration a prerequisite
10. Authorization to establish mutual bank
11. Granting or refusal of application for authorization
12. Revocation of authorization
13. Application for registration as mutual bank
14. Granting or refusal of application for registration
15. Conditions of registration
16. [Repealed] Application for final registration as mutual bank
17. Granting or refusal of application for final registration
18. Untrue information in connection with applications
19. Juristic personality of mutual bank
20. Use of name of mutual bank
21. Cancellation or suspension of registration by Registrar
22. Notice by Registrar of intention to cancel or suspend registration
23. Cancellation or suspension of registration by court
24. Restriction by Registrar of activities of mutual bank
25. Cancellation of registration at request of mutual bank
26. Withdrawal of suspension or restriction
27. Publication of information relating to mutual banks
28. Date on which registration lapses
29. Repayment of deposits upon lapse of registration
30. Reregistration in terms of this Act
30A. Reregistration after commencement of Mutual Banks Amendment Act, 1999