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National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act, 1977 (Act No. 103 of 1977) |
3. Duties of draftsmen of plans, specifications, documents and diagrams
4. Approval by local authorities of applications in respect of erection of buildings
5. Appointment of building control officer by local authority
6. Functions of building control officers
7. Approval by local authorities in respect of erection of buildings
8. Power of court in respect of approval by local authorities
9. Appeal against decision of local authority
11. Erection of buildings subject to time limit
10. Erection of buildings in certain circumstances subject to prohibition or conditions
12. Demolition or alteration of certain buildings
13. Exemption of buildings from national building regulations and authorization for erection thereof
14. Certificates of occupancy in respect of buildings
15. Entry by building control officers and certain other persons of certain buildings and land
16. Report on adequacy of certain measures and on certain building projects
17. National building regulations and directives
18. Deviation and exemption from national building regulations
19. Prohibition on use of certain methods or materials
21. Order in respect of erection and demolition of buildings
22. Power of local authorities relating to rates, taxes, fees and other moneys
26. Payment of certain moneys to local authorities
27. Powers of Minister in respect of certain local authorities
31. Repeal of section 14bis of Act 33 of 1962, as inserted by section 4 of Act 72 of 1964
34. Short title and commencement