R 385
National Credit Act, 2005 (Act No. 34 of 2005)RulesRegulations for matters relating to the functions of the Tribunal and Rules for the conduct of matters before the National Consumer TribunalSchedule 1Prescribed forms in the conduct of matters before the National Consumer Tribunal and Tables 1 and 2TablesTable 2Part 3 : Disputes between consumers and credit providers referred after failure of ADR |
Table 2 |
Part 3 : Disputes between consumers and credit providers referred after failure of ADR |
Row No. |
Column a |
Column b |
Column c |
Column d |
Column 3 |
Column f |
Column g |
Column h |
Application type |
Description |
Limitation on time for submission |
Forms to be used |
Other documenta-tion to be included in application |
Application fee |
Parties to be notified |
Documents to be served |
34. |
Section 137(3) |
Application upon failure of alternative dispute resolution between consumer and credit provider |
Within 20 business days from the date of a certification in the form of NCR 28 that the dispute resolution has failed, or within a longer time if the Tribunal permits |
Form TI.137(3) |
(1) A copy of Form NCR 28 certifying the failure of dispute resolution between the parties, together with all documents mentioned in that Form
(2) Form TI.r30A |
n/a |
(1) The other party to the failed dispute resolution (credit provider of consumer)
(2) The Regulator
(3) The ADR agent that completed the Form NCR 28 |
(1) To both parties mentioned in (2) and (3) in column g, copies of Forms TI.137(3) and NCR 28 (without the other documents mentioned in that form)
(2) To the party mentioned in (1) in column g, copies of Form TI.137(3) and all documents listed in column e. |