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National Credit Act, 2005 (Act No. 34 of 2005)

Chapter 2 : Consumer Credit Institutions

Part A : National Credit Regulator

15A. Other functions of National Credit Regulator


(1) The National Credit Regulator must assist a debt intervention applicant
(a) with the process of being declared over-indebted;
(b) to have his or her obligations, or the obligations of the joint estate, re-arranged;
(c) to have his or her debt intervention application considered for an order contemplated in section 87A; or
(d) to have his or her application for rehabilitation contemplated in section 88B be considered by the Tribunal.


(2) To enable the National Credit Regulator to assist a debt intervention applicant as contemplated in subsection (1), the Chief Executive Officer or any employee duly authorised by the Chief Executive Officer—
(a) may appoint any suitable employee of the National Credit Regulator, or any other suitable person employed by the State, as a debt intervention officer; and
(b) must issue each debt intervention officer with a certificate in the prescribed form stating that the person has been appointed as a debt intervention officer and as such is deemed to have been registered as a debt counsellor, as contemplated in section 44, for purposes of the services contemplated in subsection (1) only.


[Section 15A inserted by section 3 of Notice No. 1081, GG 42649, dated 19 August 2019]