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National Credit Act, 2005 (Act No. 34 of 2005)

Chapter 7 : Dispute Settlement other than debt enforcement

Part D : Tribunal consideration of complaints, applications and referrals

143. Right to participate in hearing


The following persons may participate in a hearing contemplated in this Part, in person or through a representative, and may put questions to witnesses and inspect any books, documents or items presented at the hearing:

(a) The National Credit Regulator, or the National Consumer Commission in the case of a matter arising;
(b) the applicant or complainant, and in the case of a complaint concerning an alleged contravention of section 61, the consumer or prospective consumer, if that person is not the complainant;
(c) the respondent; and
(d) any other person who has a material interest in the hearing, unless, in the opinion of the presiding member of the Tribunal, that interest is adequately represented by another participant.