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National Education Policy Act, 1996 (Act No. 27 of 1996)PoliciesNational Policy on Assessment and Qualifications for Schools in the General Education and Training BandPart 4: Conducting the CTA |
(*This part repealed by Notice No. 349 in Government Gazette No. 33160 dated 6 May 2010)
105) | The Department of Education, in collaboration with the provincial departments of education, will develop a management plan in respect of the CTA process. The management plan will ensure that the CTAs are properly secured and kept confidential and will indicate which sections must be conducted in the classroom and which at home. The management plan will indicate those sections, if any that must be stored and conducted under examination conditions, such as prevail for the National Senior Certificate examination. Where necessary, schools may be supplied with a timetable for conducting one or both sections of the CTA. Any such timetable must be adhered to strictly. |
106) | CTAs will be distributed to schools by the provincial departments of education in time to ensure that schools can plan for conducting the CTAs, develop the necessary management plans and ensure that appropriate resources are available. |
107) | The Provincial Department of Education must register all Grade 9 learners for participation in the CTA and must capture the results of the process. |
108) | All schools must include appropriate measures for managing the CTA process in the school's assessment policy. Teachers and officials receiving the CTA in advance to prepare for the administration of the assessment must handle the process with the highest level of confidentiality in order not to give any learner or group of learners an advantage over others. Teachers and officials failing to adhere to such confidentiality may be charged with misconduct in accordance with the Employment of Educators' Act or in terms of the Public Service Act or any other relevant legislation by the Head of Department or his or her nominee. |
109) | Learners who do not complete the tasks as required or who do not hand in authentic evidence of achievement can forfeit marks obtained in the process. As the CTA must be completed in order for a learner to be promoted, such a learner will not be promoted to Grade 10 in the following year. |