R 385
National Education Policy Act, 1996 (Act No. 27 of 1996)PoliciesPolicy on Learner AttendanceE. Learner Absence |
Definition of 'absent'
12) | A learner is deemed to be absent from school when the learner is not present in class or not participating in a school activity when the register is marked. |
Valid reason for absence
13) | While punctual and regular attendance is necessary, from time to time it may not be possible or desirable for a learner to attend school. Any of the following is a valid reason for absence of a learner from school: |
a) | study leave taken by a Grade 12 learner in terms of paragraph 16 of this policy; |
b) | physical or psychological illness, for which a principal may require communication from the parent that the learner is unable to attend school, or written confirmation by a registered medical practitioner or traditional healer if the illness lasts longer than three days; |
c) | giving birth, subject to written confirmation by a registered medical practitioner or registered midwife; |
d) | religious or cultural observances approved by the School Governing Body (SGB) in terms of the National School Calendar Policy; |
e) | death of a family member; |
f) | appointment at court, social services or other official agency, for which a principal may require documentary proof; |
g) | suspension by the SGB; |
h) | acts of nature (that is, events that are outside of human control); |
i) | exceptional circumstances for which, in the view of the principal, a temporary absence from school- |
i) | is in the best interest of the learner; or |
ii) | was unavoidable. |