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National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998)

Chapter 7 : Compliance, Enforcement and Protection

Part 2 : Application and enforcement of Act and any specific environmental management Act

31C. Designation of environmental management inspectors by MEC


(1) An MEC may—
(a) designate as an environmental management inspector, any staff member of—
(i) the department responsible for environmental management in the province;
(ii) any other provincial organ of state that executes a regulatory function; or
(iii) any municipality in the province; and
(b) at any time withdraw a designation made in terms of paragraph (a).

Section 31C(1)(a)(ii) substituted by section 16 of the National Environmental Laws Amendment Act, 2022, GG46602, dated 24 June 2022: Commencement by Proclamation 125 of 2023, GG48869, dated 30 June 2023]


(2) A designation in terms of subsection (1)(a)(ii) or (iii) may only be made by agreement between the relevant MEC and the relevant provincial organ of state or municipality.