R 385
National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998)NoticesProcedures for the Assessment and Minimum Criteria for reporting on Identified Environmental Themes ito Sections 24 and 44 of the Act when applying for Environmental AuthorisationSchedule B : Environmental ThemesBiodiversity : Protocol for the Specialist Assessment and Minimum Report content requirements for Environmental Impacts on Terrestrial Biodiversity1. Scope |
This protocol provides the criteria for the assessment and reporting of impacts on terrestrial biodiversity for activities requiring environmental authorisation. This protocol replaces the requirements of Appendix 6 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations15.
The assessment and minimum reporting requirements of this protocol are associated with a level of environmental sensitivity identified by the national web based environmental screening tool (screening tool). The requirements for terrestrial biodiversity are for landscapes or sites which support various levels of biodiversity. The relevant terrestrial biodiversity data in the screening tool has been provided by the South African National Biodiversity Institute16.
The screening tool can be accessed at: https://screening.environment.gov.za/screeningtool
15 The Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, as promulgated in terms of Section 24(5) of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998).
16 The biodiversity dataset has been provided by the South African Biodiversity Institute. For details of the dataset, click on the options button to the right of the various biodiversity layers on the screening tool, in the Aquatic Biodiversity theme, to view the metadata.