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National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No. 10 of 2004)


Bio-prospecting, Access and Benefit-Sharing Regulations, 2008


Annexure 4 : Bioprospecting permit


This permit is issued in terms of Regulation 11 of the Regulations on Bioprospecting, Access and Benefit-Sharing



1. Permit-holder's name:




2. Permit-holder's physical/postal address, telephone, fax and e-mail address:




3. Name of person in charge of bioprospecting (if different from permit‑holder):




4. Identify number of permit-holder or person in charge of bioprospecting:




5. If the application was a joint application, names of any other applicants:






6. Contact details of all other applicants:




7. Nature of permit: This permit authorises the permit holder to use the following indigenous biological resources for the purposes of bioprospecting, in the quantities specified and to collect the indigenous biological resources in the areas set out below:


Type of organism

Family, genus or species (scientific and common names) (if possible)

Part of organism to be collected


(Indicate if there are limitations on the quantity of samples)

Full locality data (GIS readings if possible)






Aloe ferox














8. Duration of permit: This permit is valid until




9. Benefit-sharing agreements and material transfer agreements:  This permit must be read with the following benefit-sharing agreements and material transfer agreements entered into with stakeholders envisaged in section 82(1) of the Biodiversity Act.






10.        Conditions: This permit is issued subject to the following conditions


10.1. the permit holder may not transfer the indigenous biological resources to which this permit relates to any third party without the prior informed consent in writing of the issuing authority and then only under a written agreement containing terms no less restrictive than those which apply to the permit holder in terms of this permit and any agreements referred to in paragraph 9;


10.2. the permit holder must submit a progress report to the issuing authority within one year of the date of this permit and annually thereafter.


10.3. if new collaborators join the bioprospecting project for which this permit is being issued, the permit holder must notify the issuing authority in writing.


10.4. all money due to stakeholders in terms of a benefit-sharing agreement must be paid into the Bioprospecting Trust Fund, as required by section 85(1) of the Act; and


10.5. the permit-holder will be liable for the costs of mitigating or remedying the impact of the bioprospecting on the environment, in accordance with section 28 of the National Environmental Management Act, 107 of 1998; and


10.6. (additional conditions may be inserted here)






Signed by the Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism






