Acts Online
GT Shield

National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No. 10 of 2004)


Threatened or Protected Marine Species Regulations, 2017

Provisions Relating to Listed Threatened or Protected Marine Species

Chapter 5 : Renewal, Amendment and Cancellation of Permits and Registrations

Part 3 : Reporting on permits by Issuing Authorities

55. Register to be established and maintained by issuing authorities


(1) The issuing authority must—
(a) establish and maintain a register of—
(i) all applications for permits or registrations received;
(ii) all permits, including integrated permits, issued, renewed or amended by that issuing authority;
(iii) all permits that were refused;
(iv) all permits issued by that issuing authority that were subsequently cancelled; and
(b) record in the register contemplated in subregulation (1)(a)—
(i) in the case of applications that were granted, the number assigned to each permit;
(ii) the scientific, and the common name if any, of the species for which the permit was issued, refused or cancelled;
(iii) whether the species was subjected to a risk assessment;
(iv) the restricted activity for which the permit was issued;
(v) any conditions subject to which the permit was issued;
(vi) the date on which the permit was issued;
(vii) the period of validity of the permit; and
(viii) the location where the restricted activity is to be carried out.