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National Environment Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act, 2008
Notice No. 138 of 2009
Chapter 1 : Interpretation, Objects and Application of Act
1. Definitions
2. Objects of Act
3. State's duty to fulfil environmental rights in coastal environment
4. Application of Act
5. Application of National Environment Management Act
6. Conflicts with other legislation
Chapter 2 : Coastal Zone
Part 1 : Coastal public property
7. Composition of coastal public property
7A. Purpose of coastal public property
7B. Reclamation of land for state infrastructure
7C. Reclamation of land for purposes other than state infrastructure
8. Extending coastal public property
9. Acquisition of private land by State
10. [Repealed] Designation of State-owned land for certain purposes
11. Ownership of coastal public property
12. State public trustee of coastal public property
13. Access to coastal public property
14. Position of high-water mark
15. Measures affecting erosion and accretion
Part 2 : Coastal protection zone
16. Composition of coastal protection zone
17. Purpose of coastal protection zone
Part 3 : Coastal access land
18. Designation of coastal access land
19. Process for designating and withdrawing designation of coastal access land
20. Responsibilities of municipalities with regard to coastal access land
Part 4 : Coastal waters
21. Control and management of coastal waters
Part 5 : Coastal protected areas
22. Excision of protected areas from coastal protection zone
Part 6 : Special management areas
23. Declaration of special management areas
24. Management of special management areas
Part 7 : Coastal management lines
25. Establishment of coastal set-back lines
Chapter 3 : Boundaries of Coastal Areas
26. Determination and adjustment of coastal boundaries
27. Determining and adjusting coastal boundary of coastal public property
28. Determining and adjusting coastal boundaries of coastal protection zone
29. Determining and adjusting coastal boundaries of coastal access land
30. Entry onto land
31. Marking coastal boundaries on zoning maps
32. Endorsements by Registrar of Deeds
Chapter 4 : Estuaries
33. National estuarine management protocol
34. Estuarine management plans
Chapter 5 : Institutional Arrangmenets
Part 1 : National Coastal Committee
35. Establishment and functions of National Coastal Committee
36. Composition of National Coastal Committee
37. Vacation of office and termination of membership
Part 2 : Provincial lead agencies
38. Designation and functions of provincial lead agency
Part 3 : Provincial Coastal Committees
39. Establishment and functions of Provincial Coastal Committees
40. Composition of Provincial Coastal Committees
41. Vacation of office and termination of membership
Part 4 : Municipal Coastal Committees
42. Establishment and functions of Municipal Coastal Committees
Part 5 : Voluntary Coastal Officers
43. Voluntary coastal officers
Chapter 6 : Coastal Management
Part 1 : National coastal management programme
44. Preparation and adoption of national coastal management programme
45. Contents of national coastal management programme
Part 2 : Provincial coastal management programmes
46. Preparation and adoption of provincial coastal management programmes
47. Contents of provincial coastal management programmes
Part 3 : Municipal coastal management programmes
48. Preparation and adoption of municipal coastal management programmes
49. Contents of municipal coastal management programmes
50. By-laws
Part 4 : Co-ordination and alignment of plans and coastal management programmes
51. Alignment of certain plans with coastal management programmes
52. Ensuring consistency between coastal management programmes and other statutory plans
Part 5 : Public participation
53. Consultation and public participation
Part 6 : Review of coastal management programmes
54. Powers of Minister to review coastal management programmes
55. Review of municipal coastal management programmes
Part 7 : Coastal planning schemes
56. Planning schemes for areas within coastal zone
57. Coastal planning and land use schemes of municipalities
Chapter 7 : Protection of Coastal Resources
Part 1 : Assessing, avoiding and minimising adverse effects
58. Duty to avoid causing adverse effects on coastal environment
59. Coastal protection notice and coastal access notice
60. Repair or removal of structures within coastal zone
61. Failure to comply with certain notices
Part 2 : Regulation of coastal zone
62. Implementation of land use legislation in coastal protection zone
Part 3 : Environmental authorisations
63. Environmental authorisations for coastal activities
64. [Repealed] Minister may grant environment authorisation in interests of whole community
Part 4 : Use of coastal public property
65. Award of coastal use permits on coastal public property
66. Terms of coastal use permits
66A. Leases in admirality reserves
Part 5 : General provisions
67. Temporary occupation of land within coastal zone
68. Amendment, revocation, suspension or cancellation of authorisations
Chapter 8 : Marine and Coastal Pollution Control
69. Discharge of effluent into coastal waters
70. Prohibition of incineration or dumping at sea
71. Dumping permits
72. Emergency dumping at sea
73. National action list
Chapter 9 : Appeals
74. Appeals
75. Advisory appeal panel
76. Interim orders by Minister or MEC
77. Proceedings of advisory appeal panel
78. Determination of appeal by Minister or MEC
Chapter 10 : Enforcement
79. Offences
80. Penalties
81. Jurisdiction of courts
82. Actions in relation to coastal public property
Chapter 11 : General Powers and Duties
Part 1 : Regulations
83. Regulations by Minister
84. Regulations by MEC
85. General provisions applicable to regulations
86. Amendment of Schedule 2
Part 2 : Powers to be exercised by MEC
87. [Repealed] Powers to be exercised by Minister
88. Directives by MEC to municipalities
Part 3 : Delegations
89. Delegation by Minister
90. Enforcement by Minister
91. Delegation by MEC's
Part 4 : General matters
92. Urgent action by Minister or MEC
93. Information and reporting on coastal matters
94. Co-ordination of actions between provinces and municipalities
94A. Exemptions
Chapter 12 : Miscellaneous matters
Part 1 : Transitional provisions
95. Existing leases on, or rights to, coastal public property
96. Unlawful structures on coastal public property
97. [Repealed] Existing lawful activities in coastal zone
97A. Withdrawal of previous exclusions
98. Repeal and amendment of legislation
99. Savings
Part 2 : General
100. Limitation of liability
101. Short title and commencement
Schedule 1 : Laws repealed
Schedule 2 : Guidelines for the assessment of wastes or other material that may be considered for dumping at sea
Control of Use of Vehicles in the Coastal Area Regulations
Notice No. R. 496 of 2014
1. Definitions
2. General prohibition
3. Permissible uses
4. Permits to use vehicles in coastal area
5. Assessment of impact of use of vehicles in coastal area
6. Consideration of application
7. Decision
8. Suspension, amendment and cancellation of permits and exemptions
9. Vehicle use at public launch sites
10. Law enforcement
11. Co-operation with authorised officers
12. Procedure with regard to seized vehicles
13. Offences and penalties
14. Presumptions
15. Forfeiture
16. Exemptions
17. Conflict and Repeal
18. Transitional provisions
19. Short title and commencement
Public Launch Site Regulations
Notice No. R. 497 of 2014
1. Definitions
2. Listings of public launch sites
3. Management of public launch sites
4. Offences and penalties
5. Conflict and repeal
6. Transitional Provisions
7. Short title and Commencement
Integrated Coastal Management Appeal Regulations, 2016
Notice No. R. 815 of 2016
Chapter 1 : Interpretation and Purpose of Regulations
1. Interpretation
2. Purpose of Regulations
3. Application of Regulations
Chapter 2 : Administration and Processing of Appeals
4. Lodging of appeal
5. Responding statements
6. Processing of an appeal
7. Decision on appeal
8. Advisory appeal panel
Chapter 3 : General Matters
9. Transitional arrangements
10. Short title and commencement
Dumping at Sea Regulations
Notice No. 711 of 2017
1. Definitions
2. Application for dumping permit
3. Minimum information for assessment of applications
4. Emergency dumping at sea
5. Request for verbal authorisation
6. Immediate emergency dumping
7. Ordinary emergency dumping
8. Assessment of applications
9. Decision on applications
10. Reporting
11. Offences and penalties
12. Conflict and repeal
13. Transitional arrangements
14. Short title and commencement
Reclamation of Land from Coastal Waters Regulations, 2018
Notice No. R. 206 of 2018
1. Definitions
2. Application for Minister's pre-approval
3. Minimum information and assessment of application for Minister's pre-approval in terms of section 7B
4. Minimum information and assessment of application for Minister's pre-approval in terms of section 7C
5. Application for final reclamation decision
6. Minister's powers in assessing applications
7. Decisions
8. Offences and penalties
9. Short title and commencement
Delegation of Powers in terms of Section 89(1)(c) - Regulations 4, 5, 6 and 8 of the Control of Use of Vehicles in the Coastal Area Regulations
Notice No. 641 of 2021
General Discharge Authorisation in terms of Section 69(2)
Notice No. 2290 of 2022
1. Scope of applicability of this General Discharge Authorisation
2. Application of Duty of Care
3. Description of General Discharge Authorisation
4. Obligation to notify in writing
5. Discharges not authorised in terms of this General Discharge Authorisation
6. Monitoring requirements
Annexure 1 - Tables
Table 1: General and Special effluent limits for organic and inorganic constituents in effluent
Table 2: General and Special effluent limits for physio-chemical properties of the effluent
Annexure 2 - List of bays where this General Discharge Authorisation is not applicable
Annexure 3 - List of ports to which this General Discharge Authorisation is applicable
Coastal Management Line for Garden Route National Park in terms of Section 25(1) read with Section 25(5)(a) of the Act
Notice No. R. 3668 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and Declaration
3. Applicable Area
4. Developmental Risk Management Measures
5. Methods Applied
6. Description of the Garden Route National Park's Coastal Management Line
7. Implementation and Review
8. Data Accessibility
Annexure 1 - Table of GRNP CML descriptions
Annexure 2 - Maps
Part 5 : Coastal protected areas
22. Excision of protected areas from coastal protection zone
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