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National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act, 2003 (Act No. 57 of 2003)Chapter 1 : Interpretation, Objectives and Application of Act2. Objectives of Act |
The objectives of this Act are—
(a) | to provide, within the framework of national legislation, including the National Environmental Management Act, for the declaration and management of protected areas; |
(b) | to provide for co-operative governance in the declaration and management of protected areas; |
(c) | to effect a national system of protected areas in South Africa as part of a strategy to manage and conserve its biodiversity; |
(d) | to provide for a diverse and representative network of protected areas on state land, private land, communal land and marine waters; |
[Section 2(d) substituted by of Act No. 21 of 2014]
(e) | to promote sustainable utilisation of protected areas for the benefit of people, in a manner that would preserve the ecological character of such areas; |
[Section 2(e) substituted by section 2(a) of Act No. 31 of 2004]
(f) | to promote participation of local communities in the management of protected areas, where appropriate; and |
(g) | to provide for the continued existence of South African National Parks. |
[Section 2(g) inserted by section 2(b) of Act No. 31 of 2004]