R 385
National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act, 2003 (Act No. 57 of 2003)Chapter 7 : Administration of Act86. Regulations by Minister |
(a) | regarding any matter that may or must be prescribed in terms of this Act; |
(b) | conferring additional powers or assigning additional duties to management authorities; |
(c) | regulating— |
(i) | biodiversity management and conservation in protected areas; |
(ii) | the use of biological resources in protected areas; |
(iii) | access to protected areas; |
(iv) | tourism in protected areas where tourism is allowed; |
(v) | activities that may be carried out in terms of section 50; |
(vi) | the use of land and water in protected areas; |
(vii) | community-based natural resource utilisation; or |
(viii) | consultation activities which are required in terms of this Act. |
(d) | prohibiting or restricting— |
(i) | activities that have an adverse effect in protected areas; |
(ii) | the use of biological resources in protected areas; |
(iii) | land uses in protected areas that are harmful to the environment; |
(e) | providing for the establishment of advisory committees for protected areas, the appointment of members and their role; |
(f) | setting norms and standards for the proper performance of any function contemplated in this Act, and the monitoring and enforcing of such norms and standards; |
(g) | regarding any other matter which it is necessary or expedient to prescribe for the proper implementation of administration of this Act. |
(2) | Any regulation with material financial implications must be made with the concurrence of the Cabinet member responsible for finance. |
(3) | Before publishing any regulation contemplated in subsection (1), the Minister must publish the draft regulations in the Gazette for public comment. |