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National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act, 2003 (Act No. 57 of 2003)ProclamationsDeclaration of Land to be Part of Table Mountain National ParkProclamation No. 3 of 2019 |
Proclamation No. 3
25 January 2019
GG 42185
I, Derek Andre Hanekom, Minister of Environmental Affairs (Acting), hereby, by virtue of the powers vested in me in terms of section 20(1)(a)(ii) of the National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act, 2003 (Act No. 57 of 2003), declare the property, listed in the Schedule herein, to be part of the Table Mountain National Park.
Derek Andre Hanekom
Minister of Environmental Affairs (Acting)
Date: 21 November 2018
The remainder of the farm Kleinplaats No. 976, Cape Division, Western Cape Province, measuring 327.8075 (Three Two Seven Comma Eight Zero Seven Five) hectares and held by the Deed of Transfer No. T20983/1985.