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National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act, 2003 (Act No. 57 of 2003)SchedulesSchedule 2 : National Park Areas14. Mapungubwe National Park |
[Name of "Vhembe-Dongola National Park" substituted by Government Notice 900 of 2004]
The highest point in Mapungubwe National Park is 2053.81 ft above sea level.
Definition of Area
Government Notice 490 / Government Gazette 18814 / 19980409 declared the following land to be part of the park:
Farm Den Staat 27 MS (remainder), Registration Division MS, Northern Province, in extent 1 842,1763 hectares, as indicated on Diagram SG No. A1237/60
Government Notice 339 / Government Gazette 21042 / 20000407 declared the following land to be part of the park:
Farm Greefswald 37 MS, in extent 2 503,8386 hectares, situated in the District of Zoutpansberg, as described in Diagram SG No. A3456/1906.
Government Notice 355 / Government Gazette 22231 / 20010426 declared the following land to be part of the park:
Portion 1 of the Farm Riedel 48, Registration Division M.S., Northern Province, in extent 2569,7720 hectares as described in Diagram SG No. A2781/43.
Portion 1 of the farm Balemo 18 MS, Limpopo Province, in extent 768,6940 (Seven Six Eight Comma Six Nine Four Zero) hectare, held under Deed of Transfer T146928/2002
Portion 3 of the farm Tuscanen 17 MS, Limpopo Province, in extent 1301,0380 (One Three Zero One Comma Zero Three Eight Zero) hectare, held under Deed of Transfer T154756/2000
Remainder of the farm Schroda 46 MS, Limpopo Province, in extent 929,0942 (Nine Two Nine Comma Zero Nine Four Two) hectare, held under Deed of Transfer T37654/1990
Portion 4 of the farm Schroda 46 MS, Limpopo Province, in extent 929,0942 (Nine Two Nine Comma Zero Nine Four Two) hectare, held under Deed of Transfer 137654/1990
Portion 7 of the farm Schroda 46 MS, Limpopo Province, in extent 1295,4212 (One Two Nine Five Comma Four Two One Two) hectare, held under Deed of Transfer T25629/1990
Portion 8 of the farm Schroda 46 MS, Limpopo Province, in extent 419,9119 (Four One Nine Comma Nine One One Nine) hectare, held under Deed of Transfer T47452/1990.
Government Notice 902 / Government Gazette 26615 / 20040730 declared the following land to be part of the park:
Portion 2 of the Farm Hamilton 41, M.S Registration Division, Limpopo Province, in extent 65,1140 hectares, held under Title Deed T5669/2004-06-23
The Remaining extent of the Farm Hamilton 41, M.S Registration Division, Limpopo Province, in extent 359,4617 hectare, held under Title Deed T5669/2004-06-23
Portion 3 of the Farm Tuscanen No. 17, M.S Registration Division, Limpopo Province, in extent 1301,0380 hectare, held under Title Deed T154756/2000
Government Notice 1494 / Government Gazette 25562 / 20031017 declared the following land to be part of the park:
Government Notice 961 / Government Gazette 28083 / 20051007 corrected Government Notice 1494 of 2003
Portion 1 of the farm Balemo 18 MS, Limpopo Province, in extent 768,6940 (Seven Six Eight Comma Six Nine Four Zero) hectare, held under Deed of Transfer T146928/2002
Remainder of the farm Schroda 46 MS, Limpopo Province, in extent 929,0942 (Nine Two Nine Comma Zero Nine Four Two) hectare, held under Deed of Transfer T37654/1990
Portion 4 of the farm Schroda 46 MS, Limpopo Province, in extent 929,0942 (Nine Two Nine Comma Zero Nine Four Two) hectare, held under Deed of Transfer 137654/1990
Portion 7 of the farm Schroda 46 MS, Limpopo Province, in extent 1295,4212 (One Two Nine Five Comma Four Two One Two) hectare, held under Deed of Transfer T25629/1990
Portion 8 of the farm Schroda 46 MS, Limpopo Province, in extent 419,9119 (Four One Nine Comma Nine One One Nine) hectare, held under Deed of Transfer T47452/1990
[Definition amended by Government Notice 1494 of 2003 as corrected by Government Notice 961 of 2005]