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National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act, 2003 (Act No. 57 of 2003)SchedulesSchedule 2 : National Park Areas1. Kruger National Park |
The highest point of the Kruger National Park is 2758.20ft above sea level.
Definition of area
From the confluence of the Limpopo River with the Luvuvhu River (Pafuri River) generally southwards along the boundary of the Province of the Transvaal and Mozambique (Survey Records 1762/75) to the point where the last-named boundary is intersected by the right bank of the Komati River; thence westwards along the right bank of the said Komati River to its confluence with the Crocodile River and continuing generally westwards along the right bank of the Crocodile River to the south-eastern corner of Lot 347 in the Kaap Block Section E; thence generally north-eastwards along the boundaries of the following lots in the Kaap Block Section E so as to exclude them from this area: Lots 347, 372, 370, 366 and 367, to the south-eastern corner of the last-named lot; thence generally northwards along the right bank of the Nsikazi River to the south-eastern corner of the farm Daannel 33 JU; thence north-westwards along the boundaries of the last-named farm, so as to exclude it from this area, to the north-western beacon thereof; thence north-westwards and north-eastwards along the boundaries of the farm Numbi 32 JU, so as to include it in this area to the north-eastern beacon thereof; thence north-westwards along the north-eastern boundary of Lot 201 in the Kaap Block Section F to the southern-most beacon of the farm Rooiduiker 19 JU; thence north-westwards and northwards along the boundaries of the said last-named farm, so as to include it in this area, to the northern-most beacon thereof, and continuing north-eastwards along the south-eastern boundaries of Lots 147 and 146 in the Kaap Block Section F to the north-eastern corner of the latter lot; thence generally eastwards along the left bank of the Sabie River to the southeastern corner of the farm Kingstown 380 KU; thence eastwards and generally northwards along the boundaries of the following farms so as to exclude them from this area: The said farm Kingstown 380 KU, Toulon 383 KU, Charleston 378 KU, Flockfield 361 KU, Malamala 359 KU, Eyrefield 343 KU, Gowrie 342 KU, Buffelshoek 340 KU, Sarabank 323 KU, Jeukpeulhoek 222 KU, Middel In 202 KU, Albatross 201 KU, Kempiana 90 KU and Vlakgezicht 75 KU to the north-eastern beacon of the last-named farm; thence northeastwards along the north-western boundary of Portion 1 (Diagram S.G. A 1815/61) of the farm Addger 69 KU to the northern-most beacon thereof; thence generally northwards along the boundaries of the following farms so as to exclude them from this area: Ceylon 53 KU, Sumatra 47 KU, Brazilie 48 KU, Op Goedehoop 25 KU, Buffelsbed 26 KU, Roodekrantz 27 KU, Rietvley 28 KU, Diepkloof 406 KU, Portion 6 (Diagram S.G. A 8744/69) of the farm Klaseriemond 15 KU, Zeekoegat 12 KU, Portion 2 (Diagram S.G. A 6362/65) of the farm Vereeniging 11 KU, the farms Merensky 32 LU, Laaste 24 LU, Silonque 23 LU, Genoeg 15 LU and Letaba Ranch 17 LU to the north-eastern corner of the last-named farm; thence eastwards along the left bank of the Great Letaba River to its confluence with the Klein Letaba River; thence generally northwestwards along the right bank of the Klein Letaba River to the northern-most beacon of the farm Draai 2 LU; thence north-westwards in a straight line to the south-eastern beacon of the farm Alten 222 LT; thence north-westwards and north-eastwards along the boundaries of the following farms so as to exclude them from this area: The said farm Alten 222 LT, Plange 221 LT, Lombaard 220 LT, Ntlaveni 2 MU and Mhingas Location Extension 259 MT to the north-eastern beacon of the last-named farm; thence westwards along the northern boundaries of the farms Mhingas Location Extension 259 MT and Mhingas Location 258 MT to the north-western corner of the last-named farm; thence generally north-eastwards along the middle of the Luvuvhu River (Pafuri River) to the point where the prolongation southwards of boundary BA on Diagram S.G. A 58/73 of a boundary line for purposes of proclamation over State land intersects the middle of the Luvuvhu River (Pafuri River); thence northwards along the said prolongation to the point where the said prolongation intersects the Mutale River; thence generally south-eastwards along the middle of the Mutale River to its confluence with the Luvuvhu River (Pafuri River); thence generally eastwards along the middle of the last-named river to its confluence with the Limpopo River, the point of beginning.
Proclamation 210 of 1984 declared the following property to be part of this park and amended the definition accordingly:
Portion 2 (a portion of Portion 1) of the farm Toulon 383 KU, Province of the Transvaal, 8,9993 hectares in extent, as represented by and described in Diagram SG A4827/82.
Government Notice 703 of 1989 excluded the following portions of land, situate in the Province of Transvaal, from this park and amended the definition accordingly:
"Remainder of the farm Sigambule 216, Registration Division JU, in extent 547,0131 ha;
Portion 1 of the farm Sigambule 216, Registration Division JU, in extent 468,6482 ha;
farm Matsulu 543, Registration Division JU, in extent 1 155,6013 ha;
farm Makawusi 215, Registration Division JU, in extent 1 067,1731 ha."
Government Notice 482 / Government Gazette 15540 / 19940311 declared the following portions of land to be part of this park:
1. | Remaining Extent of the farm Kempiana 90, in extent 3 960,5422 hectares; |
2. | the farm Lillydale 89, in extent 3 919,6874 hectares; |
3. | the Remaining Extent of the farm Morgenzon 199, in extent 2 114,3169 hectares; |
4. | the farm Springvalley 200, in extent 3 838,1499 hectares; and |
5. | Remaining Extent of Portion 1 of the farm Valkgezicht 75, in extent 863,8188 hectares, |
all situate in the Registration Division KU, Transvaal.
Government Notice 458 of 1999 excluded the following land from this park:
The land described by the figure "aABCQq middle of the Limpopo River n middle of the Luvuvbu River p middle of the Mutale River a" in extent about 19 176 hectares, situated in the Pafuri area, Soutpansberg District, Northern Province.
Government Notice 458 of 1999 declared the following land to be part of this park:
The land described by the figure "aBCDEFGHJKLm middle of the Limpopo River n middle of the Luvuvhu River p middle of the Mutale River a" and referred to as "the farm Makuleke No. 6-MU" in Diagram SG No. 10710/1998 in extent 22 733,6360 hectares, situated in the Pafuri area Soutpansberg District, Northern Province.
[Definition of Kruger National Park amended by Government Notice 458 of 1999]