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National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act, 2003 (Act No. 57 of 2003)SchedulesSchedule 2 : National Park Areas9. West Coast National Park |
[Name of "West Coast National Park", formerly "Langebaan National Park", substituted by Government Notice 1490 of 1988]
The highest point in West Coast National Park is 636.48 ft above sea level.
Definition of Area
A. | Beginning at the north-western beacon of the farm Stofbergsfontein 365; thence south-eastwards and south-westwards along the boundaries of the farm Stofbergsfontein 365 and Portion 6 of the farm Schrywershoek 362, so as to exclude them from this area, to the point where the southwestward prolongation of the northwestern boundary of last-mentioned Portion 6 of the farm Schrywershoek 362 intersects the high-water mark of the Atlantic Ocean; thence generally southeastwards along the said high-water mark to the southernmost point of the farm Schrywershoek 362; thence south-westward along the prolongation of the south-eastern boundary of the said farm Schrywershoek 362 to the point where it intersects the low-water mark of the Atlantic Ocean; thence generally north-westwards along the said low-water mark to the point where the south-westward prolongation of the northern boundary of the farm Stofbergsfontein 365 intersects the said low-water mark; thence north-eastwards in a straight line to the beginning. |
B. | Beginning at the point where the northern boundary of Bred Street, Langebaan, 37,78 metres wide, intersects the high-water mark of the Atlantic Ocean; thence generally south-eastwards along the said high-water mark to the north-western point of State Land 853; thence north-eastwards and generally south-eastwards along the boundary of the said State Land 853 so as to include it in this area, to the southernmost point thereof; thence generally south-eastwards along the low-water mark of the Langebaan Lagoon to the north-western beacon of the farm Geelbek Annex 361; thence south-eastwards along the north-eastern boundary of last mentioned farm Geelbek Annex 361 so as to include it in this area, to the point where the south-eastern prolongation of the said north-eastern boundary of the said farm Geelbek Annex 361 intersects the said high-water mark; thence clockwise along the said high-water mark to the northernmost point of Portion 6 of the farm Schrywershoek 362; thence south-westwards to the easternmost beacon of the farm Stofbergsfontein 365; thence generally north-westwards along the boundaries of the following properties so as to exclude them from this area, viz the said farm Stofbergsfontein 365, Farm 363, Farm 364, Portion 1 of the said farm Stofbergsfontein 365, the said farm Stofbergsfontein 365, thence from the northern beacon of the said farm Stofbergsfontein direct to the high water-mark of the Langebaan Lagoon thence generally north-westwards along the said high-water mark to the point where it intersects the eastward prolongation of the northern boundary of the farm Oude Post 367 and thence westwards along the said line to the north-eastern beacon of the said farm Oude Post 367 to exclude the portion known as Oude Post Strand 373 as well as Farm 374 and Portion 2 (Leasehold Landing Jetty B) of Oude Post Strand; thence generally north-westwards along the boundary of the farm Nieuwland 289 to the northernmost point of the said farm Nieuwland so as to exclude it from this area; thence northeastwards in a straight line through the point of intersection of latitude 33 05'10" and longitude 18 00'45"; thence north-westwards in a straight line to the point of intersection of latitude 33 '55" and longitude 18 00'42"; thence south-eastwards in a straight line to the first-mentioned point. |
C. | The farms Jutten Island 312 and Malagas Island 310, Administrative District of Malmesbury, in their entirety up to and including the low-water mark of the Atlantic Ocean. |
D. | The farm Marcus Island 311, Administrative District Malmesbury, in its entirety up to and including the low-water mark of the Atlantic Ocean and the retaining wall indicated on Topographical Sheet 3317 BB and 3318 AA Saldanha. |
Government Notice 1385 of 1987 declared the following land to be part of the park and amended the definition accordingly:
The undermentioned land, being part of the Sandveld State Forest, namely—
(i) | Portion 2 of the farm Geelbek 360, in extent 842,0952 hectares; |
(ii) | Portion 1 of the farm Papenkuilsfontein 448, in extent 330,6305 hectares; |
(iii) | Portion 3 (a portion of Portion 2) of the farm Wilde Varkens Valley 452, in extent 538,9246 hectares; |
(iv) | Portion 4 of the farm Wilde Varkens Valley 452, in extent 86,4669 hectares; |
(v) | Portion 1 of the farm De Hoek 450, in extent 1 209,0863 hectares; and |
(vi) | Portion 20 (a portion of Portion 19) of the farm Yzerfontein 560, in extent 42,3513 hectares; and |
(vii) | the coastal strip adjacent to Portion 1 of the farm De Hoek 450, in extent 23,8459 hectares; |
all situate in the Administrative District of Malmesbury, Province of the Cape of Good Hope.
Government Notice 1753 of 1987 declared the following land to be part of the park:
(i) | Remainder of the farm Nieuwland 289, in extent 358,3159 ha; |
(ii) | Remainder of the farm Oude Post 367, in extent 1 238,1435 ha; |
(iii) | Remainder of the farm Kreefte Baay 368, in extent 219,3003 ha; and |
(iv) | Portion 2 of the farm Kreefte Baay 368, in extent 36,1352 ha; |
all situate in the Administrative District of Malmesbury, Province of the Cape of Good Hope.
Government Notice 1490 of 1988 declared the following property to be part of the park and amended the definition accordingly:
The Remainder of erf 304 Langebaan, in extent 1,6294 ha, Administrative District of Malmesbury.
Government Notice 1374 of 1989 declared the following properties to be part of the park and amended the definition accordingly:
(i) | Portion 1 of the farm Geelbek 360, in extent 179,1405 ha; |
(ii) | Remainder of the farm Geelbek 360, in extent 2751,0677 ha; |
(iii) | Portion 1 of the farm Abrahams Kraal 449, in extent 923,3415 ha; |
(iv) | Remainder of the farm Abrahams Kraal 449, in extent 1093,9798 ha; |
(v) | Remainder of the farm Bottellary 353, in extent 1108,4407 ha; |
(vi) | Portion 1 of the farm Schrywershoek 362, in extent 1,6964 ha; |
(vii) | Portion 6 of the farm Schrywershoek 362, in extent 25,0023 ha; |
(viii) | Portion 7 of the farm Schrywershoek 362, in extent 24,8539 ha; |
(ix) | Portion 10 of the farm Schrywershoek 362, in extent 115,5849 ha; |
(x) | Remainder of the farm Schrywershoek 362, in extent 626,2984 ha; and |
(xi) | the Sea-shore as defined in the Sea-shore Act, 1935 (Act 21 of 1935), situate opposite the farm Abrahams Kraal 449, the coastal strip adjacent to Portion 1 of the farm De Hoek 450, and Portion 20 (a portion of Portion 19) of the farm Yzerfontein 560, |
all situate in the Administrative District of Malmesbury, Province of the Cape of Good Hope.
Government Notice 2159 of 1992 excluded the following property from the park and amended the definition accordingly:
Portion 20 (a portion of Portion 19) of the farm Yzerfontein 560, in extent 42,3513 hectares, situate in the Administrative District of Malmesbury, Province of the Cape of Good Hope.
Government Notice 183 of 1994 declared the following land to be part of the park and amended the definition accordingly:
Portion 1 of the farm Wilde Varkens Valley 452, situate in the Division of Malmesbury, Province of the Cape of Good Hope, in extent 695,5766 hectares, as represented on and described in Diagram 1298/55.
Government Notice 1705 of 1994 declared the following land to be part of the park and amended the definition accordingly:
The undermentioned land situate in the Division of Malmesbury, Western Cape Province:
1. | The farm Oude Post Strand 373 in extent 21,3276 hectares, as represented on and described in Diagram SG No. 1789/1940; |
2. | The farm Lot O.P.G.R. 366 in extent 14,2258 hectares, as represented on and described in Diagram SG No. 6095/49 including that portion of the sea-shore between the high- and low-water mark situate opposite the said property, and; |
3. | The sea-shore and the adjoining coast reserve situate opposite the Remaining Extent and Portion 2 of the farm Kreefte Baay 368 with the following definition of the area: |
Beginning at the point where the southwestward prolongation of the south-eastern boundary of Portion 2 of the farm Kreefte Baay 368 intersects the low-water mark of the Atlantic Ocean; thence generally north-westwards along the said low-water mark to the point where it intersects the southwestward prolongation of the south-eastern boundary of the farm Lyfsershoek 288; thence northeastwards along the said prolongation to the southern-most point of the farm Lyfsershoek 288; thence generally south-eastwards along the boundaries of the Remaining Extent and Portion 2 of the farm Kreefte Baay 368, so as to exclude it from the area described herein, to the southern-most point of Portion 2 of the farm Kreefte Baay 368; thence south-westwards with the south-eastern boundary of the lastmentioned Portion and along the prolongation of the said boundary of the lastmentioned Portion and along the prolongation of the said boundary to the point where the said prolongation intersects the low-water mark of the Atlantic Ocean, the point of beginning.
Government Notice 1947 of 1994 declared the following land to be part of the park and amended the definition accordingly:
Remaining Extent of Portion 2 of the farm Bottellary 353, situate in the Division of Malmesbury, Province of the Cape of Good Hope, in extent 394,2295 hectares, as represented on and described in S.G. Diagram No. 6646/54.
Government Notice 537 of 1996 declared the following land to be part of the park and amended the definition accordingly:
The undermentioned land situated in the Division of Malmesbury, Western Cape Province:
1. | Extent of the farm Massenberg 298, in extent 1902,6817 ha, as represented on and described in Diagram SG 742/1837; |
2. | Extent of Farm 297, in extent 42,2528 ha, as represented on and described in Diagram SG 20/1750; |
3. | Extent of Farm 299, in extent 462,9827 ha, as represented on and described in Diagram SG 247/1872; and |
4. | Portion 3 of the farm Oostewal 292, in extent 100,2141 ha, as represented on and described in Diagram SG 783/1881. |
Government Notice 34 / Government Gazette 18600 / 19971230 declared the following land to be part of the park:
Portion 2 of the farm Stofbergfontein 365, in the District of Malmesbury, in extent 172,9127 hectares, as indicated on Diagram No. T7976/1997.
Government Notice 42 of 2004 declared the following land to be part of the park and amended the definition accordingly:
(Government Notice 42 of 2004 withdrawn by Government Notice 962 of 2005)
Government Notice 904 of 2004 declared the following land to be part of the park and amended the definition accordingly:
1. | The Remainder of Portion 1 (Mooimaak) of the Farm Bottelary No.353, Malmesbury Registration Division, Province of the Western Cape, in extent 1510,3637 hectare, held under Title Deed T34805/1992 |
2. | Portion 8 (a portion of Portion 2) of the Farm Schrywershoek No.362, Malmesbury Registration Division, Province of the Western Cape, in extent 24,7097 hectare, held under Title Deed T 54664/1998 |
3. | Portion 4 (a portion of Portion 1) of the Farm Buffelsfontein No.453, Malmesbury Registration Division, Province of the Western Cape, in extent 158,2924 hectare, held under Title Deed T13616/1994 |
4. | Portion 5 (a portion of Portion 2) of the Farm Buffelsfontein No.453, Malmesbury Registration Division, Province of the Western Cape, in extent 199,0509 hectare, held under Title Deed T101028/1997 |
[Corrected by GN 28/2005]
5. | Portion 1 of the Farm Zwartbergs Valley No.447, Malmesbury Registration Division, Province of the Western Cape, in extent 102,3727 hectare, held under Title Deed T13641/1995 |
6. | The Remainder of Portion 2 of the Farm Wilde Varkens Valley No.452, Malmesbury Registration Division, Province of the Western Cape, in extent 68,7756 hectare, held under Title Deed T51350/2000 |
7. | The Remainder of the Farm Wilde Varkens Valley No.452, Malmesbury Registration Division, Province of the Western Cape, in extent 609,0951 hectare, held under Title Deed T51350/2000 |
8. | The Farm Van Niekerk's Hoop No.300, Malmesbury Registration Division, Province of the Western Cape, in extent 689,7310 hectare, held under Title Deed T30543/2000 |
9. | The Remainder of the Farm Papenkuilsfontein No. 448, Malmesbury Registration Division, Province of the Western Cape, in extent 1532,3267 hectare, held under Title Deed T67804/1998 |
10. | The Farm Kalkklipfontein No. 995, Malmesbury Registration Division, Province of the Western Cape, in extent 1878,0869 hectare, held under Title Deed T79051/2002 |
Government Notice 1069 / Government Gazette 28185 / 20051028 declared the following land to be part of the park and amended the definition accordingly:
Portion 4 of the farm Langefontein No. 377, according to Title Deed: Surveyed, unregistered State Land in extent 1 839,87 hectares.
[Definition of "West Coast National Park" amended by Government Notice 1069/2005]