Trade Marks Act, 1993
R 385
National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008 (Act No. 59 of 2008)RegulationsWaste Tyre Regulations, 2017Part 6 : General12. Transitional arrangements in the event that a waste tyre management plan expires, be withdrawn or be terminated |
(1) | In the event that a waste tyre management plan expires, be withdrawn or be terminated for any reason whatsoever and at the time there exists no other industry waste management plan in terms of section 28 or 29 of the Act for the same or substantially the same waste stream— |
(a) | the Bureau shall be responsible to facilitate, supervise and control the management of waste tyres for the interim until a new industry waste tyre management plan is approved in terms of section 28 or 29 of the Act; |
(b) | the Bureau may, in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations, issue instructions in writing for the management of waste tyres on such terms and conditions, which instruction must be complied with within the time frame stated in such instruction; |
(c) | all participants that were registered with the waste tyre management plan upon the expiry, withdrawal or termination thereof, shall in the interim register with the Bureau. |
(2) | From the date of registration with the Bureau, all tyre producers must on a quarterly basis, at the same time that their declarations are submitted to the South African Revenue Service, submit to the Bureau the very same declaration in respect of the quantity of tyres produced or imported. |
(3) | The Bureau must establish a waste tyre forum with all affected industry to deal with governance and operational matters pertaining to the management of waste tyres during the interim until a new industry waste tyre management plan is approved in terms of section 28 or 29 of the Act. |