Safety at Sports and Recreational Events Act, 2010
R 385
National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008 (Act No. 59 of 2008)NoticesNorms and Standards for Organic Waste Composting, 20208. General Requirements |
(1) | These Norms and Standards do not replace any other relevant requirements stipulated in terms of other legislation. |
(2) | All infrastructure required for the composting operations must be maintained to ensure that it functions effectively and in accordance with the operational requirements and design parameters. |
(3) | Pollution of the biological and physical environments (including habitats for animal and plant species, water resources, land, soil and air) as a result of operations within the facility must at all times be prevented. |
(4) | General waste generated during the construction, operation and decommissioning phases of the facility must be managed at a legally compliant waste management facility. |
(5) | A Safety Data Sheet for each of the chemical products utilised at the facility must be kept on site and in easily accessible location to employees. |
(6) | All compost intended for use as fertilisers must be registered with the national department responsible for agriculture and must meet all the necessary requirements in terms of the Regulations Regarding Fertilisers, published in Government Notice No. R.732 in Government Gazette No. 35666 on 10 September 2012 issued in terms of the Fertilizers, Farms Feeds, Agricultural Remedies and Stock Remedies Act, 1947 (Act No. 36 of 1947), including any amendment. |
(7) | A complaints register must be kept on site during the construction and operational phases as well as details regarding the manner in which the complaints are being addressed. |
(8) | Employees must wear protective clothing when required as prescribed by the composting facility's environmental management programme. |
(9) | An incident register must be kept at the facility at all times. |
(10) | Proper ablution and decontamination facilities, for management and staff, must be provided onsite. |