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National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008 (Act No. 59 of 2008)
Notice No. 278 of 2009
Chapter 1 : Interpretation and Principles
1. Definitions
2. Objects of Act
3. General duty of State
4. Application of Act
5. Application of National Environmental Management Act
Chapter 2 : National Waste Management Strategy, Norms and Standards
Part 1 : National waste management strategy
6. Establishment of national waste management strategy
Part 2 : National norms and standards, provincial norms and standards and waste service standards
7. National norms and standards
8. Provincial norms and standards
9. Waste service standards
Chapter 3 : Institutional and Planning Matters
10. Designation of waste management officers
11. Certain organs of state to prepare integrated waste management plans
12. Contents of integrated waste management plans
13. Reporting on implementation of integrated waste management plans
Chapter 3A : Financial Provisions
Waste Management Charges
13A. Pricing strategy for waste management charges
13B. Application of pricing strategy
Chapter 4 : Waste Management Measures
Part 1 : Priority wastes
14. Declaration of priority wastes
15. Consequences of declaration of priority wastes
Part 2 : General duty
16. General duty in respect of waste management
Part 3 : Reduction, re-use, recycling and recovery of waste
17. Reduction, re-use, recycling and recovery of waste
18. Extended producer responsibility
Part 4 : Waste management activities
19. Listed waste management activities
20. Consequences of listing waste management activities
20A. Prohibited or restricted activities in specified geographical areas
Part 5 : Storage, collection and transportation of waste
21. General requirements for storage of waste
22. Storage of general waste
23. Waste collection services
24. Collection of waste
25. Duties of persons transporting waste
Part 6 : Treatment, processing and disposal of waste
26. Prohibition of unauthorised disposal
27. Littering
Part 7 : Industry waste management plans
28. Preparation of industry waste management plans by certain persons
29. Preparation of industry waste management plans by organs of state
30. Contents of industry waste management plans
31. Notification of industry waste management plans
32. Consideration of industry waste management plans
33. Specification of measures to be taken
34. Review of industry waste management plans
Part 7A : Waste Management Bureau
34A. Establishment of Waste Management Bureau
34B. Determination of policy
34C. Minister's supervisory powers
34D. Objects of Bureau
34E. Functions of Bureau
34F. Funding of Bureau
34G. Financial management
34H. Reporting and audit
34I. Immovable property
34J. Chief Executive Officer of Bureau
34K. Functions of Chief Executive Officer
34L. Employees of Bureau
Part 8 : Contaminated land
35. Application of this Part
36. Identification and notification of investigation areas
37. Consequences of identification and notification of investigation areas
38. Consideration of site assessment reports
39. Orders to remediate contaminated land
40. Transfer of remediation sites
41. Contaminated land register
Part 9 : Other measures
42. Recognition programmes
Chapter 5 : Licensing of Waste Management Activities
43. Licensing authority
43A. Residue stockpiles and residue deposits
44. Co-operative governance in waste management licence applications
45. Application for waste management licences
46. Appointment of persons to manage waste management licence applications
47. Procedure for waste management licence applications
48. Factors to be taken into account by licensing authority
49. Decision of licensing authorities on waste management licence applications
50. Issuing of waste management licences
51. Contents of waste management licences
52. Transfer of waste management licences
53. Review of waste management licences
54. Variation of waste management licences
55. Renewal of waste management licences
56. Revocation and suspension of waste management licences
57. Surrender of waste management licences
58. Waste management control officers
59. Criteria for fit and proper persons
Chapter 6 : Waste Information
60. Establishment of national waste information systems
61. Objectives of national waste information system
62. Establishment of provincial waste information system
63. Provision of information
64. Access to information
Chapter 7 : Compliance and Enforcement
65. Compliance powers of Minister responsible for water affairs
66. Waste impact reports
67. Offences
68. Penalties
Chapter 8 : General Matters
Part 1 : Regulations
69. Regulations by Minister
69A. [Repealed] Regulations for Bureau
70. Regulations by MECs
71. General regulatory powers
Part 2 : Consultative process
72. Consultation
73. Public participation
Part 3 : Exemptions and appeals
74. Applications for exemption
75. Consideration of applications for exemption
76. Decisions on applications for exemption
77. Review and transfer of exemptions
78. [Repealed] Appeals
Chapter 9 : Miscellaneous
79A. Delegation by Minister responsible for mineral resources
79. Delegation and assignment
80. Repeal and amendment of laws, and savings
81. Transitional provisions in respect of permits issued in terms of Environment Conservati
82. Transitional provision regarding listed waste management activities
83. Act regarded as specific environmental management Act
84. Short title and commencement
Schedule 1 : Waste management activities
Category A
Category B
Schedule 2 : Laws repealed or amended
[Repealed] Schedule 3 : Defined Wastes
[Repealed] Category A: Hazardous Waste
[Repealed] Category B: General Waste
National Waste Information Regulations, 2012
Notice No. R. 625 of 2012
Chapter 1 : Interpretation and Purpose of Regulations
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of Regulations
3. Application of Regulations
4. Confidentiality of information
Chapter 2 : Registration
5. Application for registration
6. Consideration of applications for registration
7. Changes to registration certificate
Chapter 3 : Reporting and Record Keeping
8. Reporting or submission of information
9. Record keeping
Chapter 4 : Verification of Information and General Matters
10. Verification of information
11. General matters
12. Offences and penalties
13. Short title and commencement
Annexure 1
Annexure 2
Annexure 3
Annexure 4
Annexure 5
Regulations regarding the Planning and Management of Residue Stockpiles and Residue Deposits, 2015
Notice No. R. 632 of 2015
Chapter 1 : Definitions and Purpose of the Regulations
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of the regulations
Chapter 2 : Planning, Management and Reporting of Residue Stockpiles and Residue Deposits
3. The assessment of impacts and analyses of risks relating to the management of residue stockpiles and residue deposits
4. Characterisation of residue stockpiles and residue deposits
5. Classification of residue stockpiles and residue deposits
6. Investigation and the selection of site for residue stockpiling
7. Design of the residue stockpiles and residue deposits
8. Impact Management
9. Duties of the holder of right or permit
10. Monitoring and reporting system for residue stockpiles and residue deposits
11. Dust management and control
12. Decommissioning, closure and post closure management of residue stockpiles and residue deposits
Chapter 3 : General Matters
13. Transitional arrangements
14. Offences and penalties
15. Short title and commencement
Waste Tyre Regulations, 2017
Notice No. 1064 of 2017
Part 1 : Interpretation, Purpose and Application of Regulations
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of Regulations
3. Application of Regulations
Part 2 : Prohibitions and Registration
4. Prohibitions
5. Registration
Part 3 : Duties of Tyre Dealers
6. Duties of tyre dealers
Part 4 : Waste Tyre Stockpile Abatement Plan
7. Submission and contents of a waste tyre stockpile abatement plan
8. Notification of a waste tyre stockpile abatement plan
9. Consideration of a waste tyre stockpile abatement plan
Part 5 : Storage of Waste Tyres
10. Storage of waste tyres
Part 6 : General
11. Offences and penalties
12. Transitional arrangements in the event that a waste tyre management plan expires, be withdrawn or be terminated
13. Repeal of regulations
14. Short title and commencement
Waste Exclusion Regulations, 2018
Notice No. 715 of 2018
Chapter 1 : Definitions, Purpose and Application of the Regulations
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Application of these regulations
Chapter 2 : Application for Exclusion of a Waste Stream or a Portion of a Waste Stream from the Definition of Waste
4. Persons who may apply for exclusion of a waste stream or a portion of a waste stream from the definition of waste
5. Application for exclusion of a waste stream or a portion of a waste stream from the definition of waste
6. Consideration of applications for exclusion of a waste stream or a portion of a waste stream from the definition of waste
7. Criteria for exclusion of a waste stream or a portion of a waste stream from the definition of waste
8. Elements of the Risk Assessment
9. Contents of the Risk Management Plan
10. Reporting
11. Review, withdrawal and amendment of exclusion of a waste stream or a portion of a waste stream from the definition of waste
Chapter 3 : Register of Waste Stream or Portion of Waste Stream Excluded from the Definition of Waste
12. Register of waste stream or portion of waste stream excluded from the definition of waste
Chapter 4 : General Matters
13. Transitional arrangements
14. Offences and penalties
15. Short title and commencement
Regulations for the Control of Import and Export of Waste, 2017
Notice No. 22 of 2019
Chapter 1 : Definitions and Purpose of Regulations
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of the Regulations
3. Application of the Regulations
Chapter 2 : Prohibitions
4. General Prohibitions
Chapter 3 : Requirements for the Application for the Import, Export or Transit of Waste
5. Requirements when applying for the import of hazardous waste
6. Requirements when applying for the import of non-hazardous waste
7. Requirements when applying for the export of hazardous waste
8. Requirements when applying for the export of non-hazardous waste
9. Requirements when applying for the transit of hazardous waste
Chapter 4 : Decision of the Department
10. Decision
Chapter 5 : Requirements for the Transboundary Movement of Waste
11. Requirements when applying for the transboundary movement of waste
Chapter 6 : Record Keeping
12. Records of waste imported or exported
Chapter 7 : General Matters
13. Offences
14. Penalties
15. Short title and commencement
Annexure 1 : Notification document for transboundary movements/shipments of waste
Annexure 2 : Movement document for transboundary movements/shipments of waste
Annexure 3 : List of abbreviations and codes to be used when completing the Notification document
Annexure 4 : Y-codes for use, as per the Basel Convention when completing the Notification document when importing or exporting hazardous waste or waste requiring special consideration
Annexure 5 : A-codes, as per the Amended Basel Convention, for use when completing the Notification document when importing or exporting hazardous waste not listed in Annexure 4
Annexure 6 : B-codes for use, as per the Amended Basel Convention when completing the Notification document when importing or exporting non-hazardous waste (waste not listed in Annexure 4 or 5)
Extended Producer Responsibility Regulations, 2020
Notice No. 1184 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of the Regulations
3. Application of the Regulations
4. Registration of producers
5. Extended producer responsibility measures to be implemented by producers
5A. Obligations of a producer responsibility organisation that establishes and implements an extended producer responsibility scheme
5B. Obligations of a producer that establishes and implements its own scheme
6. Minimum requirements and criteria for extended producer responsibility schemes to operate
7. Financial arrangements for an extended producer responsibility scheme
7A. Obligations of a producer that establishes and implements their own scheme
8. Monitoring, reporting and evaluation
9. Performance review of the extended producer responsibility scheme
10. Registration of producer responsibility organisations
11. Requirements and criteria for producer responsibility organisations to operate
12. Offences
13. Penalties
14. Short title and commencement
[Repealed] List of Waste Management Activities that have, or are likely to have a Detrimental Effect on the Environment
National Domestic Waste Collection Standards
Notice No. 21 of 2011
1. Background and purpose
2. Principles
3. Level of Service
4. Collection
5. Drop-off centres for Recyclables
6. Collection vehicles
7. Health and Safety
8. Communication, awareness creation and complaints
9. Waste Collection customer service standards for Kerbside collection
10. General
List of Waste Management Activities that have, or are likely to have, a Detrimental Effect on the Environment
Notice No. 921 of 2013
1. Definitions
2. General
3. Category A
4. Category B
5. Category C
Transitional Provisions
8. Special arrangements
9. Repeal of laws
National Norms and Standards for the Sorting, Shredding, Grinding, Crushing, Screening, Chipping or Baling of General Waste, 2017
Notice No. 1093 of 2017
Chapter 1 : Interpretation, Purpose and Application
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Application
Chapter 2 : Requirements for Facilities that Sort, Grind, Crush, Screen, Chip or Bale General Waste
4. Registration
5. Location
6. Construction and Design
Chapter 3 : Management of Facilities that Sort, Shred, Grind, Crush, Screen, Chip or Bale General Waste
7. Access control and notices
8. Operation
9. Emergency preparedness plan
10. Monitoring and inspection
11. Auditing
12. Competent authority audits and inspections
13. Reporting
14. Minimum requirements for the Decommissioning Phase
Chapter 4 : Miscellaneous
15. Transitional provisions
16. Short title
Exclusion of Certain Waste Streams or Portions of Waste Streams from the Definition of Waste for Beneficial Use
Notice No. 85 of 2020
Exclusion of waste streams or portions of waste streams from the definition of waste for beneficial use
Applications for the Exclusion of a waste stream or a portion of a waste stream from the definition of waste for certain permitted uses
Extended Producer Responsibility Scheme for the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Sector
Notice No. 1185 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of the Notice
3. Scope of the Notice
4. The Identification of a product or class of products to which extended producer responsibility applies
5. Identification of the person or category of persons responsible for developing and implementing an extended producer responsibility scheme
6. Responsibilities of producers
7. Targets for each identified waste stream for the products listed in paragraph 4 of this Notice
Annexure 1
Extended Producer Responsibility Scheme for the Lighting Sector
Notice No. 1186 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of the Notice
3. Scope of the Notice
4. The Identification of a product or class of products to which extended producer responsibility applies
5. Identification of the person or category of persons responsible for developing and implementing an extended producer responsibility scheme
6. Responsibilities of producers
7. Targets for each identified waste stream for the products listed in paragraph 4 of this Notice
8. Mandatory take back of their identified products
Annexure 1
Extended Producer Responsibility Scheme for Paper, Packaging and some Single Use Products
Notice No. 1187 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of the Notice
3. Scope of the Notice
4. The Identification of a product or class of products to which extended producer responsibility applies
5. Identification of the person or category of persons responsible for developing and implementing an extended producer responsibility scheme
6. Responsibilities of producers
7. Targets for each identified waste stream for the products listed in paragraph 4 of this Notice
Annexure 1
Norms and Standards for Organic Waste Composting, 2020
Notice No. 561 of 2021
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Application of the National Norms and Standards
4. Application for the Establishment of an Organic Waste Composting Facility
5. Requirements for the Design and Construction of an Organic Waste Composting Facility
6. Requirements for Security and Access Control
7. Requirements during Operational Phase
8. General Requirements
9. Training and Capacity Building
10. Management of Emergency Situations
11. Monitoring, Auditing and Reporting
12. Requirements during Decommissioning Phase
13. Transitional Arrangements
14. Short Title and Commencement
National Norms and Standards for the Treatment of Organic Waste
Notice No. 1984 of 2022
1. Definitions and Acronyms
2. Purpose
3. Application
4. Feedstocks and Technologies
5. Minimum requirements for the Design and Planning Phase
6. Minimum requirements for the Construction Phase
7. Minimum requirements for Records and Access Control
8. Operation
9. General Requirements
10. Management of Incidents
11. Operational Monitoring, Auditing and Reporting
12. Minimum requirements during the Decommissioning Phase
13. Training and Capacity Building
14. Transitional Arrangements
Annexure 1: Organic Waste Treatment Technologies
Annexure 2: Items to be included in a Standard Operating Procedure
Annexure 3: General requirements for Organic Waste Treatment Facilities
Notice of Extension of Reporting Period by Identified Producer Responsibility Organisations and Producers to the Extended Producer Responsibility Online System until 31 August 2022
Notice No. 2328 of 2022
Extended Producer Responsibility Scheme for the Pesticide Sector
Notice No. 3177 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Scope of Notice
3. Extended Producer Responsibility Measures
4. The identification of a product or class of products whereby Extended Producer Responsibility applies
5. The targets for each identified waste stream for the products listed in paragraph 4
Annexure 1
Extended Producer Responsibility Scheme for the Lubricant Oil Sector
Notice No. 3178 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Scope of Notice
3. Extended Producer Responsibility Measures
4. The identification of a product or class of products where Extended Producer Responsibility applies
5. The targets for each identified waste stream for the products listed in paragraph 4
Annexure 1
Extended Producer Responsibility Scheme for the Portable Battery Sector
Notice No. 3179 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Scope of Notice
3. Extended Producer Responsibility Measures
4. The identification of a product or class of products whereby Extended Producer Responsibility applies
5. The targets for each identified waste stream for the products listed in paragraph 4
Annexure 1: Collection and Recycling targets for all identified products in paragraph 4 of this Notice
Determination of the Licensing Authority for the Different Classes of Landfills
Notice No. 3968 of 2023
Guideline and Toolkit for the Determination of Extended Producer Responsibility Fees
Notice No. 5535 of 2024
Executive Summary
1. Background
2. Introduction
3. Key Legislature and strategies that informs the determination of EPR fees
4. EPR fee determination
5. Conditions for fee adjustment
6. Toolkit and Supplementary Information
Addendum A: Toolkit User Manual
Addendum B: Waste categories and materials covered by the EPR Regulations
Addendum C: Monitoring and Evaluation
Addendum D: International Best Practice of EPR Schemes by Sectors
"organ of state"
has the meaning assigned to it in section 239 of the Constitution;
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