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National Forests Act, 1998 (Act No. 84 of 1998)NoticesList of Protected Tree Species (2021)Notice No. 155 of 2021 |
Notice No. 155 of 2021
1 March 2021
GG 44204
Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
I, Barbara Dallas Creecy, Minister of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries hereby under section 15(3) of the National Forests Act, 1998 publish a list of all protected trees belonging to a particular species under section 12(1)(d) set out in the schedule hereto.
The effect of this declaration is that in terms of section 15(1) of the National Forests Act, 1998, no person may cut, disturb, damage or destroy any protected tree or possess, collect, remove, transport, export, purchase, sell, donate or in any other manner acquire or dispose of any protected tree except under a license granted by the Minister, or in terms of the exemption from the provisions of this subsection published by the Minister in the Gazette on the advice of Council.
In terms of section 62(2)(c) of the National Forests Act, 1998 (Act 84 of 1998), any person who contravenes the publication on (i) the cutting, disturbance, damage, destruction or removal of protected trees referred to in section 15(1)(a); or ((ii) the prohibition on the collection, removal, transport, export, purchase or sale or protected trees referred to in section 15(1)(b), is guilty of a first category offence. In terms of section 58 (1), a person who is guilty of first category offence referred to in section 62 and 63 may be sentenced to a fine or imprisonment for a period of up to three years, or to a fine and such imprisonment.
MSB D Creecy
Minister of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries