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National Forests Act, 1998 (Act No. 84 of 1998)RegulationsRegulations under the National Forests Act 84 of 1998Chapter 1 : Definitions1. Definitions |
In these regulations any word or expression to which a meaning has been assigned in the Act shall have the meaning so assigned and, unless the context otherwise indicates—
means entry into and use of roads and other structures in State forests
and other forests;
means the holder of an office in the Department, as defined in the Act, that administers an appeal on behalf of the Appeal Authority;
[Definition inserted by section 3 of the Amendment Regulations under the National Forests Act, 2024, Notice No. R. 5650, GG51847, dated 6 January 2025]
means the Minister, as defined in the Act;
[Definition inserted by section 3 of the Amendment Regulations under the National Forests Act, 2024, Notice No. R. 5650, GG51847, dated 6 January 2025]
means the committee constituted in terms of section 57A(2) of the Act;
[Definition inserted by section 3 of the Amendment Regulations under the National Forests Act, 2024, Notice No. R. 5650, GG51847, dated 6 January 2025]
means any person who is aggrieved by an administrative decision or action of the delegated authority taken in terms of the Act and who has submitted an appeal in terms of section 57A of the Act;
[Definition inserted by section 3 of the Amendment Regulations under the National Forests Act, 2024, Notice No. R. 5650, GG51847, dated 6 January 2025]
means a person applying for a licence under these regulations;
means to get rid of in an environmentally acceptable way;
means the holder of a licence under these regulations;
means a notice published in the Government Gazette;
includes a manager or lessee of the owner;
means any road, slip path, sledge path or foot path in or leading into a State forest;
means a right, less than ownership, over another's property;
means a table of fixed charges;
means the National Forests Act, 1998 (Act No. 84 of 1998);