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National Gambling Act, 2004 (Act No. 7 of 2004)
Notice No. 960 of 2004
Chapter 1 : Interpretation and Application
1. Definitions
1A. Interpretation
2. Application of Act
2A. Purpose of Act
Chapter 2 : National Gambling Policy
Part A : Gambling activities
3. Gambling activities generally
4. Bets and wagers
5. Gambling games
5A. Interactive gambling transaction
6. Pay-out and opportunity to play further game
6A. Payment of prizes and remittance of profits and winnings
6B. Dispute resolution and complaint procedures
6C. Remittance to foreign nationals and external companies
Part B : Prohibited gambling, restricted activities and status of gambling debt
7. Gambling in relation to illegal activities unlawful
8. Unlicensed gambling activities unlawful
9. Unlicensed dealing in machines and devices unlawful
10. Unlicensed use of premises unlawful
11. Unauthorised interactive gaming unlawful
11A. Provision of interactive gambling facilities
12. Protection of minors
13. Restrictions on granting credit to gamblers
14. Excluded persons
15. Restrictions on advertising and promotion of gambling activities and granting of discounts
16. Enforceability of gambling debts and forfeiture of unlawful winnings
Part C : Gambling Premises and websites
17. Standards for gambling premises and websites
18. Sites
18A. Websites
Part D : Registration and certification of machines and devices
19. Gambling machines or gambling devices
20. Identification of gambling machines and devices
21. National register of gambling machines and devices
22. Gambling machines and devices to be registered
23. Transfer of registered ownership or possession
24. Criteria for issuing testing agent licence
25. Calibration and certification of gambling machines or gambling devices
26. Limited pay-out machines
27. National central electronic monitoring system
Part E : Licensing of persons employed in gambling industry
28. Gambling industry employees to be licensed
29. Conditions of employment licensing
Chapter 3 : Jurisdiction and Licensing
Part A : Jurisdiction
30. Jurisdiction of provincial licensing authorities
31. Responsibilities of provincial licensing authorities
32. Jurisdiction of board
33. Responsibilities of board
34. Oversight function of board
35. Information sharing
36. Conflicting exercise of concurrent jurisdiction
Part B : National licences
37. Authority of national licence
37A. Maximum number of interactive gambling licences
38. Applicants for national licence
39. Authority to issue national licence
39A. Authority to issue interactive gambling operator licence
40. National licence procedures
41. Review of refusal to issue national licence
42. Review of proposal to issue national licence
43. Suspension and revocation of national licence
Part C : Provincial licences
44. Licensing by provinces to comply with national norms and standards
45. Maximum numbers of casino licences
46. Limitation of rights applicable to licence
47. Amusement games and machines
Part D : Licensing norms and standards
48. Licence criteria, categories and conditions
49. Disqualifications for employment licences
50. Disqualifications and restrictions for other licenses
51. Disqualification after licence issued
52. Acquisition of interest by disqualified person
Part E : Additional norms and standards concerning non-employment licences
53. Economic and social development issues to be considered
54. Competition issues to be considered
55. State interests
56. Licence requirements, acquisitions and transfers
Part F : Licence investigations, decisions, transfer and surrender
57. External probity reports
58. Decisions
59. Licence transfers
60. Surrender of licence
Chapter 4 : National Structures
Part A : National Gambling Policy Council
61. Establishment of National Gambling Policy Council
62. Functions of National Gambling Policy Council
63. Council meetings
Part B : National Gambling Board
64. Continuation of National Gambling Board
65. Objects and functions of board
66. Relations with provincial licensing authorities
67. Composition of board
68. Conflicting interests
69. Resignation, removal from office, and vacancies
70. Meetings of board
71. Committees of board
72. Remuneration and allowances of members of board and committees
73. Staff of board and remuneration
74. Finances
75. Accountability, audits and reports
Chapter 5 : Enforcement and Offences
76. National inspectorate
77. Powers and duties of inspector
78. Breach of confidence
79. Obstructing administration of Act
80. Self-incrimination
81. Failure to comply with Act
82. Offences and breach of licence condition
83. Penalties
84. Magistrate's court jurisdiction to impose penalties
85. Serving documents
86. Proof of facts
86A. Delegation
Chapter 6 : General Provision
87. Regulations
88. Repeal of laws
88A. Tax on interactive gambling
89. Short title and commencement
Schedule : Transitional Provisions
1. Definition
2. General preservation of regulations, rights, duties, notices and other instrume
3. National Gambling Board
4. National licences
5. Development of interactive gambling policy and law
6. Transitional maximum numbers of casino licences
7. Excluded persons
8. Regulations
Prescribed Maximum Numbers of Casino Licences in terms of the National Gambling Act, 2004 (Act No. 7 of 2004)
Notice No. 350 of 2006
Regulations on Limited Payout Machines, 2000
Notice No. R. 1425 of 2000
1. Definitions
Chapter 1
2. Maximum number of limited payout machines
3. Number of limited payout machines per site
4. Prohibition of gambling by certain persons
5. Stakes
6. Prizes
7. Progressive jackpots
8. Central electronic monitoring system
9. Categories of operator licenses
10. Geographic distribution of limited payout machine ...
11. Credit extension
12. Registration or licensing of limited payout machines
13. Standardisation of limited payout machines
14. Movement of limited payout machines
15. Registration or licensing of employees
16. Employee report
17. Publication of notice inviting applications for licence
18. Issuing of request for application
19. Clarification phase of application documentation
20. Advertisement of application
21. Public inspection and objection
22. Confidentiality
23. Investigation and evaluation
24. Public hearings
25. Recording requirements
26. Deliberation and selection
27. Issuing of licence
28. Display of licence
29. Advertising
Chapter 2
30. Route Operators
31. Machines available per site: route operator
32. Accounting records
33. Minimum internal control standards
34. Internal audit function
35. Audited financial statements
36. Contents of the application for route operator licence
37. Evaluation criteria for licensing route operators
Chapter 3
38. Site operators
39. Unsuitable locations
40. Ownership of premises where gambling is conducted
41. Operation of limited payout machines must not be primary business
42. Supervision and location of limited payout machines
43. Layout of site
44. Hours of operation
45. Contents of application for site operator licence
46. Evaluation criteria for licensing site operators
Chapter 4
47. Independent site operators
48. Accounting records
49. Minimum internal control standards
50. Internal audit function
51. Audited financial statements
52. Licence to be issued to juristic persons only
53. Unsuitable locations
54. Ownership of premises where gambling is conducted
55. Operation of limited payout machine must not be primary business
56. Supervision and location of limited payout machines
57. Layout of site
58. Hours of operation
59. Contents of the application for an independent site operator licence
60. Evaluation criteria for licensing independent site operators
Chapter 5
61. Provincial licensing authorities
62. Monitoring function
63. Procurement of financial and controlling interests in licensees
64. Taxes and levies
National Gambling Regulations, 2004
Notice No. R. 1342 of 2004
Chapter 1 : Definitions
1. Definitions
Chapter 2 : Restricted activities and status of gambling debt
2. Excluded persons
3. Advertisements
4. Credit extension
5. Prohibited transactions by licensed operator
6. Unlawful winnings
7. Standards for premises
8. Exempted machines and devices
9. Record by manufacturer
10. National registry
11. Registration of devices
12. Transfer of devices
13. Limited pay-out machines
14. National central electronic monitoring system
Chapter 3 : Jurisdiction
15. Oversight function of Board
16. Information sharing
17. Limitation on prizes for amusement games
18. Employment licences
19. Temporary licences
20. Application for national licence
21. National licence procedures
22. Evaluation of proposed licence
23. Disqualifications for licences or holding of financial interest
24. Disqualification after licence issued
25. External probity reports and national probity register
26. Transfer of or acquisition of controlling interest in licence
27. Surrender of licence
28. Fees in respect of national licences
29. Investigation costs in respect of national licences
30. Procedure in respect of application for renewal of national licences
31. Duration of national licences
32. Accountability, audits and reports
33. Administrative procedures
34. General
35. Short title and commencement
means the National Gambling Policy Council established by
section 61
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